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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (Feb 06 2023) for CSS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (Feb 06 2023) for CSS

February 06, 2022: National Current Affairs MCQs

1. Ex-military ruler Musharraf passes away in Dubai

• Former military dictator Pervez Musharraf, who usurped power after a coup in October 1999 and ruled Pakistan till 2008, breathed his last at age of 79 in Dubai, after a protracted battle with a rare disease, amyloidosis.
• The news of his death first emerged on social media in the morning before making it to the mainstream media following confirmation by the Pakistani consulate in Dubai and the family of the former army chief. The condition of the former dictator was said to be critical for the past few months, as his organs started to fail due to the fatal illness.
• The body of Mr Musharraf, who will be laid to rest in Karachi, will be brought back to Pakistan through a special flight that would leave for Dubai on February 6, 2023. In order to facilitate his family in the process of repatriation, the Consulate General of Pakistan in Dubai has also issued a no-objection certificate (NOC). `We are in touch with the family and the consulate will facilitate in whatever way it can; the consulate has issued the no objection certificate,` a media report quoted Consul General Hassan Afzal Khan as saying

2. Plot was hatched to freeze Kashmir issue, PM reveals

• Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on February 5, 2023 disclosed that a plot had been conceived to freeze the Kashmir issue for 20 years but hastened to declare that no Pakistani could even think of allowing this to happen.
• `Moments ago, some people shared with me in the [speaker`s] chamber that a plot was conceived to defer the plebiscite in Kashmir until the next 20 years.
• There cannot be any conspiracy and cruelty with the Kashmiris bigger than this,` he said in his address at the special session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Legislative Assembly here. The session was presided over by Speaker Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq.
• `I think, no Pakistani politician or serviceman or soldier can even think anything like this,` added the premier

3. Centre blocks Punjab`s Rs400bn health insurance scheme

• Amid challenging engagements with international lending agencies to unlock external flows for the balance of payments and flood recovery, the Centre has cast off Punjab`s Rs400 billion health insurance scheme in its present form and size, targeting the entire population of the province, including the rich and the poor.
• The project, named `Implementation of Universal Health Coverage under Health Insurance Programme in Punjab`, was presented at a recent meeting of the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) but was not approved after the planning ministry, particularly Planning Secretary Zafar Ali Shah, put up a strong opposition based on feedback from lenders and donors on untargeted subsidies and wasteful expenditures

4. Businessman Jawad Sohrab made special assistant to PM

• Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has appointed prominent businessman Jawad Sohrab Malik as Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) with the status of a state minister.
• With the appointment of Mr Malik, the size of the federal cabinet has swelled to 78 members. Of these 78 federal cabinet members, 34 are federal ministers, seven are ministers for state, four are advisers to the PM and 33 are SAPM.
• Besides the long list of federal cabinet members, there are 38 parliamentary secretaries in the National Assembly who give answers to questions during questions hour on behalf of these ministers in the lower house in the absence of these ministers.
• The newly appointed SAPM has, however, refused to take any official perks and privileges

5. UNEP to open office for Living Indus project

• The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) will open its office in Pakistan very soon to lead the Living Indus Initiative programme for which the UNEP and the government are in negotiations with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for an indicative funding of $25 million.
• The Living Indus is an umbrella initiative and a call for action to lead and consolidate initiatives to restore the ecological health of the Indus within the boundaries of Pakistan, which is the most vulnerable to climate change.
• In order to tackle the brunt of extreme climate events, the ministry of climate change, led by Minister Sherry Rehman, has prepared a resilience plan that contains multifarious interventions to enhance the country`s resilience and adaptation to climate change

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6. Ecuador votes on extradition amid crime boom

• Ecuadorans voted in a referendum on Sunday that will decide whether or not to allow extradition of citizens linked to organised crime in a country rocked by a dramatic increase in violence.
• The extradition of Ecuadorans is prohibited by the South American country`s constitution. But conservative President Guillermo Lasso has proposed legalising it as a means of dealing with a crime wave that has claimed the lives of two candidates in local elections being held alongside the referendum.
• Ecuador is sandwiched between Colombia and Peru, the world`s two largest cocaine producers, and has itself become a hub for the global drug trade in recent years.

7. Canada deploys aircraft over Haiti to disrupt gangs

• The Canadian government said on February 5, 2023 it deployed a military aircraft over Haiti to address what it called a `dire security situation` and to support efforts to disrupt the activities of Haitian gangs.
• Canada said in a statement that it supports the Haitian National Police and deployed a Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) CP-140 Aurora long-range patrol aircraft in response to Haiti`s request for support as violence continues to escalate in the country.
• Haitian gangs have expanded their territory since the 2021 assassination of then-President Jovenel Moise. The resulting violence has left much of the country off-limits to the government and led to routine gun battles with police. Haiti is expected to be on the agenda when US President Joe Biden visits Canada next month

8. Qatar sends envoy to Kabul for talks with Taliban

• An envoy for Qatar`s foreign affairs minister visited the Afghan capital on February 5, 2023 and met the Taliban administration`s acting foreign minister, according to an Afghan foreign ministry statement.
• The visit comes after the Taliban administration placed restrictions on women`s education and NGO work, which Qatar labelled `deeply concerning` amid widespread international criticism.
• Mutlaq Bin Majed Al-Qahtani, the special envoy of Qatar`s foreign minister, took part in meetings with acting foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi in Kabul, according to Afghan foreignaffairs spokesperson Abdul Qahar Balkhi

9. High turnout as Cypriots vote for new president

• Cypriots voted in large numbers on February 5, 2023 in a close presidential election between three front runners, with the focus on corruption and the economy amid deadlock over the island`s long-standing division.
• A record 14 candidates but only two women are standing, with the winner needing 50 per cent plus one vote to succeed two-term President Nicos Anastasiades.
• There was a strong turnout, with 312,008 votes cast by 3pm, chief returning officer Costas Constantinou said

10. UN peacekeeper killed in attack on helicopter in DR Congo

• A United Nations peacekeeper from South Africa was killed and another wounded in an attack on their helicopter in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on February 5, 2023, the organisation said.
• The aircraft came under fire at around 3pm during a flight to Goma, the provincial capital of NordKivu province, where it was able to land, a spokesman said.
• The source of the fire that struck the helicopter was not yet known and its precise location had yet to be determined, said Amadou Ba, a spokesman for the UN mission in the DRC.

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