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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (Feb 24 2023) for CSS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (Feb 24 2023) for CSS

February 24, 2022: National Current Affairs MCQs

1. Alvi signs fresh finance bill into law

• President Arif Alvi on February 23, 2023 gave accent to the Finance (Supplementary) bill, 2023, generally known as the mini-budget, paving the way for revival of the IMF loan programme.
• The president gave the approval to the bill in accordance with Article 75 of the Constitution, the media wing of the President House said. The National Assembly had passed the bill on Monday.
• The bill envisages additional taxes and duties worth Rs170 billion to meet the conditions of the International Monetary Fund for the revival of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) stalled for months

2. SC judges air divergent views in poll date suo motu

• The nine-member Supreme Court bench conducting suo motu proceedings regarding delay in the announcement of a date for provincial elections, appeared at odds on February 23, 2023, as it issued notices to the stakeholders and asked them to come up with `skeleton arguments` on February 24, 2023 (today).
• Attorney General for Pakistan (AGP) Shehzad Ata Elahi, Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), government through the cabinet secretary, chief secretaries of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan Bar Council (PBC), the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), all the advocate generals of the provinces, and the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) were also issued notices

3. Pakistan concerned over Ukraine war

• Pakistan on February 23, 2023 expressed concern over the continuing Ukraine war that is entering its second year and urged the parties to the conflict to seek its resolution through dialogue.
• `We have always advocated for peaceful settlement of disputes and believe that peace and dialogue are important in resolution of this conflict as well,` Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said on the eve of the first anniversary of invasion of Ukraine by Russia on Feb 24.
• She said the continuation of the conflict was a `reflection of the failure of diplomacy`

4. Eight militants killed after troops foil ambush bid

• Security forces foiled an attempt to ambush a convoy of security forces in Balochistan`s Kech district and later killed eight militants in a follow-up operation, the military`s media wing said on February 23, 2023.
• According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the militants attempted to ambush a convoy of security forces on Wednesday evening, but the `alert and combat ready troops foiled the cowardly attempt without any loss of life`.
• The security forces later conducted a follow-up operation to hunt down the assailants using `ground and aviation assets`, the ISPR said

5. `A woman dies every two minutes during pregnancy, childbirth`

• Every two minutes, a woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth, according to the latest estimates released in a report by United Nations agencies, which emphasised that the world must significantly accelerate progress to meet global targets for reducing maternal deaths, or else risk the lives of over one million more women by 2030.
• The report, `Trends in Maternal Mortality`, released on Thursday by WHO, Unicef, UNFPA, the World Bank and UN Population Division, reveals alarming setbacks for women`s health over recent years, as maternal deaths either increased or stagnated in nearly all regions of the world.
• `It is unacceptable that so many women continue to die needlessly in pregnancy and childbirth. Over 280,000 fatalities in a single year are unconscionable,` said UNFPA Executive Director Dr Natalia Kanem

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6. EU commission bans TikTok on staff phones

• The European Commission on Thursday banned its staff from installing TikTok on devices used for work amid concerns over data protection, in a move that provoked an angry response from the company.
• TikTok, whose parent company Byte Dance is Chinese, has faced increasing Western scrutiny in recent months over fears about how much access Beijing has to user data.
• The ban means European Commission staff cannot use the video-sharing app on work devices and personal devices, such as phones, that have official EU email and communication apps installed. Employees must remove the app as soon as possible and should do so by March 15

7. Ex-Mastercard CEO picked by Biden to lead World Bank

• US President Joe Biden said on February 23, 2023 that Washington is nominating former Mastercard Chief Executive Ajay Banga to lead the World Bank, after its current chief David Malpass announced plans to step down early.
• The development lender has just started accepting candidate nominations in a process set to run until March 29, with the bank saying that women candidates would be `strongly` encouraged.
• The president of the World Bank is typically American, while the leader of the International Monetary Fund is customarily European. Banga, 63, is Indian American and currently serving as vice chairman at equity firm General Atlantic. He was previously chief executive at Mastercard

8. EU unveils `game changer` data centre to probe crimes in Ukraine

• The EU`s judicial cooperation agency (Eurojust) on February 23, 2023 unveiled what it said was a `game changing` data centre to collect and analyse evidence of crimes in Ukraine, invaded by Russia a year ago.
• The Hague-based body and Ukraine also backed the European Union`s announcement to coordinate a probe into crimes committed after the invasion. `We expect this database to be fully operational by summer this year,` Eurojust president Ladislav Hamran said. `This database is a real game changer in the prosecution of core international crimes,` he told journalists.
• The centre will gather, store and analyse evidence presented by prosecutors of EU member states and other countries represented at the agency, including Britain and the United States. Digital evidence that can be submitted for storage include pictures, video recordings, satellite and drone images and witness statements

9. UNGA calls upon Russia to pull out from Ukraine

• The United Nations voted overwhelmingly on February 23, 2023 to demand Russia immediately and unconditionally withdraw its troops from Ukraine, marking the one-year anniversary of the war with a call for a `just and lasting` peace.
• Ukraine earned strong backing in a non-binding vote that saw 141 of the 193 UN members in support, seven opposed and 32, including China and India, abstaining.
• Coming on the eve of the first anniversary of the brutal war, support for Kyiv was little-changed from that of last October when 143 countries voted to condemn Russia`s declared annexation of four Ukraine regions

10. Pakistan Super League Fiery Hasan, Gurbaz help United outclass Zalmi

• Rahmanullah Gurbaz was on song.
• It seemed as if the Afghanistan opener was celebrating his return to the HBL Pakistan Super League after fulfilling national duty.
• The explosive right hander plundered the Peshawar Zalmi bowlers for 62 runs off just 31 balls to help Islamabad United bounce back from their defeat against Multan Sultans, and beat Zalmi by six wickets here at the National Stadium on Thursday

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