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March 2018

Day by Day Current Affairs (March 9, 2018) | MCQs for CSS, PMS, NTS

MCQs for CSS | Day by Day Current Affairs MCQs
Written by CSS Times


 March 9, 2018 (Day by Day Current Affairs)

Current Affairs MCQs | CSS Times General Knowledge MCQs

  1. US moves to reassure Pakistan as bilateral talks resume
    • The United States announced head money on the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leaders and two other suspected Pakistani militants on March 8, 2018 as Islamabad urged Washington to resume a structural dialogue between the two countries.
    • The US Department of Justice has placed a head money of $5 million on Mullah Fazlullah and of $3m each on Mangal Bagh and Abdul Wali, of ficial sources told Dawn.
    • The media reported earlier on Thursday that US drone strikes had killed 21 TTP activists in Afghanistan, including Mullah Fazlullah`s son.
  2. Ali Jehangir new Pak envoy to US
    • Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on March 8, 2018 appointed banker Ali Jehangir Siddiqui as the new ambassador to the United States.
    • The ambassador-designate is the son of prominent businessman Jehangir Siddiqui who is the founder of JS Group.
    • Siddiqui – currently PM’s Special Assistant with the status of Minister of State – will replace Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry next month after confirmation from Washington. He had disassociated himself from the business when he was appointed as Special Assistant to PM in August 2017.
  3. Punjab`s first-ever policy holds out promise of women welfare
    • The Punjab government on March 8, 2018 announced the first Women Development Policy at a ceremony at Aiwan-i-Iqbal in keeping with the significance of the International Women`s Day.
    • Minister for Women Development Hameeda Waheeduddin, along with provincial ministers Dr Ayesha GhausPasha and Begum Zakia Shahnawaz, unveiled the policy.
  4. Balochistan govt to help establish 160 learning centres
    • The provincial government will help finance and set up 160 centres under the Alternative Learning Pathway (ALP) model to provide good quality alternative education to over 8,000 children and adolescents in Balochistan.
    • These centres will be set up by the United Nations Children`s Fund (Unicef) in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and will be led by the department of secondary education.
    • The ALP centres will give out-of-school children (OOSC), between nine and 16 years of age, the opportunity to learn and be `mainstreamed` into a regular education system.
    • Japan`s support for alternative e ducation in Balochistan is part of a recently signed agreement with Unicef according to which $3.5 million have been granted for establishing 400 ALP centres in three provinces.
    • More than 15,000 children and adolescents across the country will benefit from these centres.
  5. Anti-Nazi politician named Germany`s foreign minister
    • Germany`s designated next foreign minister Heiko Maas is a sharp dresser with a steely edge who has become the nemesis of far-rightand online giants spreading hate speech.
    • As justice minister for the past four years, the 51-year-old became a pas-sionate crusader against extremists who have railed, in the streets and online, against Germany`s mass influx of refugees and migrants since 2015.
    • A trained lawyer and passionate triathlete whose partner is a German TV actress, Maas is a relative newcomer to Berlin and has even less experience in internationalaffairs.
    • He takes over the job of chief diplomat of Europe`s top economy from fellow Social Democrat (SPD) Sigmar Gabriel, who has fallen out of favour with their centre-left party`s new leadership
  6. US to upgrade Qatar`s air operations centre
    • The United States has approved a request from Qatar to upgrade the emirate`s air force operations centre on March 8, 2018, despite the Gulf diplomatic crisis.
    • Qatar has fallen out with fellow US allies in the Gulf, led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arabia Emirates, over its alleged support for militant groups and ties with Iran.
    • The United States is trying to broker an end to a Saudi-led diplomatic and economic embargo on gas-rich Qatar, and still maintains a huge air base of its own on its territory.
    • On March 8, 2018 the State Department approved a plan for Qatar to spend $197 million upgrading the technology and logistics capabilities of the Qatari Emiri Air Force operations centre.
  7. Indonesian universities ‘ban’ niqab over fundamentalism fears
    • A pair of Indonesian Islamic universities are pushing female students to ditch niqab face veils — with one threatening expulsion for non-compliance — as concerns grow over rising fundamentalism in the world’s biggest Muslim-majority nation.
    • Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University said it issued the edict this week to more than three dozen niqab-wearing students, who will be booted from school if they refuse.
  8. Japan, 10 other states sign trade deal without US
    • Eleven countries, including Japan and Canada, signed a landmark Asia-Pacific trade agreement without the United States on March 8, 2018 in what one minister called a powerful signal against protectionism and trade wars.
    • In Washington, US President Donald Trump vowed to press ahead with a plan to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, a move that other nations and the International Monetary Fund said could start a global trade war.
    • The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for TransPacific Partnership (CPTPP) will reduce tariffs in countries that together amount to more than 13 percent of the global economy a total of $10 trillion in gross domestic product.
  9. US museum strips rights award from Suu Kyi
    • The US Holocaust Memorial Museum said it was stripping Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi of a prestigious human rights award, accusing her of doing little to halt the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims.
    • Suu Kyi was awarded the Holocaust Museum’s Elie Wiesel award six years ago “for her courageous leadership and great personal sacrifice in resisting tyranny and advancing the freedom and dignity of the Burmese people.” But the Museum said it was rescinding the award due to her inaction over what it called “mounting evidence of genocide” committed by the Myanmar military
  10. UN calls on Taliban to take up offer of direct talks
    • The United Nations envoy to Afghanistan on March 8, 2018 urged the Taliban to take up an offer by the Afghan government of direct talks on peace.
    • “The offer of negotiation is on the table,” said Tadamichi Yamamoto at a Security Council meeting to mark the annual renewal of the UN mission to the war-torn country.
    • “It is now incumbent upon the Taliban to come forward with an offer of their own, and start direct talks with the government to put an end to the suffering of the Afghan people,” he said.
    • He said he hoped that parliamentary elections could be held in 2018 and a presidential vote in 2019.

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
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