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General Science & Ability GK MCQ’s MCQs

Energy Resources MCQs (Set-III) | General Science and Ability

Energy Resources MCQs (Set-III) | General Science and Ability
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

Identify the non-renewable energy resource from the following:
(a) Coal
(b) Fuel cells
(c) Wind power
(d) Wave power
Answers: (a)

Which of the following is a disadvantage of most of the renewable energy sources?
(a) Highly polluting
(b) High waste disposal cost
(c) Unreliable supply
(d) High running cost
Answers: (c)

Photovoltaic energy is the conversion of sunlight into:
(a) Chemical energy
(b) Biogas
(c) Electricity
(d) Geothermal energy
Answers: (a)

Horizontal axis and vertical axis are the types of:
(a) Nuclear reactor
(b) Wind mills
(c) Biogas reactor
(d) Solar cell
Answers: (b)

Check Also: Energy Resources MCQs (Set-I)

Which among the following is not an adverse environmental impact of tidal power generation?
(a) Interference with spawning and migration of fish
(b) Pollution and health hazard in the estuary due to blockage of flow of polluted water into the sea
(c) Navigational hazard
(d) None of the above
Answers: (d)

Steam reforming is currently the least expensive method of producing:
(a) Coal
(b) Biogas
(c) Hydrogen
(d) Natural gas
Answers: (c)

A fuel cell, in order to produce electricity, burns:
(a) Helium
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Hydrogen
(d) None of the above
Answers: (c)

Fuel cells are:
(a) Carbon cell
(b) Hydrogen battery
(c) Nuclear cell
(d) Chromium cell
Answers: (b)

Both power and manure is provided by:
(a) Nuclear plants
(b) Thermal plants
(c) Biogas plants
(d) Hydroelectric plant
Answers: (c)

The outermost layer of the earth is:
(a) Magma
(b) Mantle
(c) Crust
(d) Solid iron core
Answers: (c)

Common energy source in Pakistani villages is:
(a) Electricity
(b) Coal
(c) Sun
(d) Wood and animal dung
Answers: (d)

Check Also: Energy Resources MCQs (Set-II) 

The one thing that is common to all fossil fuels is that they:
(a) Were originally formed in marine environment
(b) Contain carbon
(c) Have undergone the same set of geological processes during their formation
(d) Represent the remains of one living organisms
Answers: (b)

The process that converts solid coal into liquid hydrocarbon fuel is called:
(a) Liquefaction
(b) Carbonation
(c) Catalytic conversion
(d) Cracking
Answers: (a)

Lignite, bituminous and anthracite are different ranks of:
(a) Nuclear fuel
(b) Coal
(c) Natural gas
(d) Biogas
Answers: (b)

Crude oil is:
(a) Colorless
(b) Odorless
(c) Smelly yellow to black liquid
(d) Odourless yellow to black liquid
Answers: (c)

BTU is measurement of:
(a) Volume
(b) Area
(c) Heat content
(d) Temperature
Answers: (c)

The first controlled fission of an atom was carried out in Germany in:
(a) 1920
(b) 1928
(c) 1925
(d) 1938
Answers: (d)

Boiling water reactor and pressurized water reactors are:
(a) Nuclear reactor
(b) Solar reactor
(c) OTEC
(d) Biogas reactor
Answers: (a)

“New renewable” are ________.
(a) solar, wind, geothermal
(b) wind, wood, alcohol
(c) hydro, biomass
(d) coal, natural gas
(e) fusion, fission
Answer: (a)

Currently, the fastest growing source of electricity generation using new renewable sources is ________.
(a) solar
(b) wind
(c) hydro
(d) natural gas
(e) coal
Answer: (b)

The second fastest-growing source is ________.
(a) solar
(b) wind
(c) hydro
(d) natural gas
(e) coal
Answer: (a)

Check Also: Environmental Science MCQs | Sustainable Development Issues (Set-II)

The primary motivation to develop the new renewable energy sources comes from ________.
(a) those who believe conservation is important
(b) those who believe human health is impacted by smog and pollution
(c) those who believe fossil fuel dependence is suicide because it makes us vulnerable to the Middle East
(d) concerns over diminishing fossil fuel supplies and negative environmental impacts of fossil fuel use
(e) concerns that oxygen production by trees is endangered by fossil fuel use
Answer: (d)

One of the obstacles to the rapid replacement of nonrenewable energy sources with renewable energy sources is ________.
(a) the improvement in the infrastructure for using renewable energy sources
(b) the lack of government and private financial support for the development of renewable energy sources
(c) advancements in technological development of renewable energy sources
(d) the motivation of private industry to proactively develop renewable energy sources
(e) a unified energy policy by the government that supports the development of alternative energy sources
Answer: (b)

Which of the following methods can be called passive solar energy collection?
(a) using heat absorbing construction materials
(b) rooftop solar panels
(c) OTEC
(d) photovoltaic cells
(e) rooftop flat plate solar collectors
Answer: (a)

A major advantage of solar power is that ________.
(a) cost is prohibitive even in developed countries
(b) pollution is high
(c) not all regions are sunny enough to provide adequate power with current technology
(d) there is a lack of knowledge on long term impacts
(e) solar systems provide local, decentralized control over power
Answer: (e)

A major disadvantage of solar power is ________.
(a) its cost effectiveness compared to other types of power
(b) its efficiency level compared to other types of power
(c) the variation in sunshine around the world
(d) that there is a lack of knowledge on long term economic impacts
(e) that solar systems decentralize control over electrical energy
Answer: (c)

Windmill towers are generally more productive if they are ________.
(a) higher, to minimize turbulence and maximize wind speed
(b) lower, to minimize turbulence and maximize wind speed
(c) higher, to minimize the number of birds that interfere with blade turning
(d) lower, to increase heat convection from the ground
(e) higher, to increase heat convection from the ground
Answer: (a)

A major disadvantage to using wind to produce electricity is ________.
(a) the emissions it produces once in place
(b) its energy efficiency compared to conventional power sources
(c) that people can use a single mill or develop a large scale wind farm
(d) the initial startup cost
(e) that land can be leased for wind power development
Answer: (d)

The Tapal wind farm is located at the
(a) Sind
(b) Kashmir
(c) Balochistan
(d) KPK
(e) Punjab
Answer: (a)

Potential energy sources from oceans ________.
(a) chemo luminescent bacteria
(b) motion of currents, waves and tides; ocean thermal energy
(c) solar reflection
(d) lightning strikes in salt water
(e) magnetic field generators
Answer: (b)

One major reason for the lack of development in oceanic energy sources is ________.
(a) the potential substantial negative impact on marine and estuarine ecosystems
(b) the lack of funding
(c) that oceanic processes are not completely understood
(d) the lack of technological advancement
(e) the lack of political support
Answer: (a)

Check Also: General Science & Ability MCQs (Natural Hazards and Disasters, Set-II)

The largest problem with adopting the new technology of renewable resources is ________.
(a) in evaluating the scientific and economic impacts
(b) that the startup costs are high
(c) that long term maintenance costs are higher than those for fossil fuels
(d) that technological advances have not been made in the last 30 years to meet our energy needs
(e) that energy production facilities are not located near consumers
Answer: (b)

Although solar-PV-generated electricity as a power source is cleaner than burning fossil fuels, the problem with this electricity is that it ________.
(a) is dangerous if stored too long
(b) cannot be stored easily in large quantities for use when and where it is needed
(c) is not sufficiently understood
(d) will be replaced shortly with other sources of power for homes
(e) is less efficient than fossil fuels
Answer: (b)

One difficulty with the process of using hydrogen as a power source is that it ________.
(a) is not properly understood
(b) is less efficient than fossil fuels
(c) requires a fuel that is a nonrenewable resource
(d) requires an energy investment to begin the process
(e) has highly volatile and dangerous components
Answer: (d)

Whether a hydrogen based energy system is environmentally cleaner than a fossil fuel system depends on ________.
(a) the car driven
(b) the source of oxygen used for the process
(c) how the hydrogen is extracted
(d) governmental incentives for research
(e) this is not correct; hydrogen is always cleaner
Answer: (c)

One advantage of using hydrogen fuel cells is ________.
(a) the potential for production of greenhouse gases
(b) the ease of transporting and storage
(c) the energy efficiency
(d) that they are nonpolluting
(e) the low impact on atmospheric ozone
Answer: (d)

The chemical product of using hydrogen as an energy source is ________.
(a) ingestion
(b) combustion
(c) water molecules
(d) incineration
(e) electrolysis
Answer: (c)

A major advantage that hydrogen generated electricity has over other new renewable energy sources is that it ________.
(a) is less expensive
(b) creates greenhouse gases but no acid deposition
(c) can be produced where and when electricity is needed
(d) converts the kinetic energy of earth processes to electrical energy
(e) already has an infrastructure in place for using hydrogen as fuel
Answer: (c)

Pakistan. geothermal energy is most available in ________.
(a) Punjab /Sind
(b) Kashmir /Punjab
(c) Balochistan/Sind
(d) Gilgit /Kashmir
(e) KPK /Kashmir
Answer: (c)

Pakistan is developing wind power plants in Jhimpir, Gharo, Keti Bandar and Bin Qasim in
(a) Gilgit
(b) Punjab
(c) Sind
(d) Balochistan
(e) KPK
Answer: (c)

Theoretically, global ocean energy resources are estimated to be over
(a) 32,000GW
(b) 32,900GW
(c) 33,000GW
(d) 32,100GW
(e) 35,000GW
Answer: (a)

The world’s largest tidal power station, of installed capacity of 260MW, is currently located at Sihwa Lake in
(a) Japan
(b) South Korea
(c) North Korea
(d) Taiwan
(e) China
Answer: (b)

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According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Oceanography, creek network in the Indus deltaic region, extending over 70km along the Arabian Sea, can alone generate
(a) 1900MW tidal power
(b) 8100MW tidal power
(c) 900MW tidal power
(d) 980MW tidal power
Answer: (c)

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About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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