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May 2021

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (May 06, 2021) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (May 06, 2021) for CSS, PMS
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

May 06, 2021: National / International Current Affairs

1. S. Arabia assures Pakistan of support in peace efforts

• Saudi Arabia on May 5, 2021 assured Pakistan of its support in its initiatives for regional peace and stability.
• The assurance was extended by Chief of General Staff (CGS), Saudi Armed Forces, Gen Fayiadh Bin Hamed Al Rowaily during a meeting with Chief of the Army Staff Gen Qamar Bajwa.
• Gen Bajwa is currently on a four-day visit to the Kingdom. His trip is taking place ahead of Prime Minister Imran Khan`s visit scheduled to start from Friday

2. Four FC men martyred in firing by Afghan-based gunmen

• Four personnel of the Frontier Corps were martyred and six others injured in the Manzakai area of Zhob district when terrorists based in Afghanistan opened fire at them on May 5, 2021, the military`s media affairs wing said.
• In a statement, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) confirmed the incident, saying the terrorists had ambushed FC troops from Afghanistan when they were moving to carry out fencing at the Pak-Afghan border in Manzakai sector.
• `Four soldiers of Frontier Corps embraced Shahadat while six others got injured in the ambush,` the ISPR said, adding that the FC troops promptly responded to the attack

3. Trade deficit widens by 21.6pc in 10MFY21

• Pakistan`s trade deficit posted double-digit rise as it widened by 21.6 per cent to $23.83 billion in the 10 months of 2020-21 from $19.59bn over the corresponding period last year, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) data showed on Wednesday.
• The trade gap has been widening since December 2020. The surge in trade deficit is mainly led by exponential growth in imports with comparative slow growth in exports proceeds from the country.
• In FY20, the country`s trade deficit had narrowed to $23.099bn from $31.820bn

4. Anti-India Kashmiri leader Sehrai dies in police custody

• A prominent politician in Occupied Kashmir who challenged India`s rule over the disputed region for decades died on May 5, 2021 while in police custody. He was 78.
• Mohammed Ashraf Sehrai was admitted to a government hospital with multiple ailments on Tuesday from a jail in the southern Jammu region, officials and his family said.
• Sehrai`s son, Mujahid Sehrai, said his father was denied proper medical care while in jail. He said he spoke to his father 10 days ago and he complained of ill health

5. Indian FM abandons G7 meetings over Covid-19

• India`s foreign minister was forced to abandon face-to-face G7 meetings on the pandemic in London on May 5, 2021 because he may have been exposed to Covid-19, as the crisis deepened back home with his nation`s daily death toll hitting a record at almost 3,800.The coronavirus continues to ravage India but in Europe and the United States mass vaccination programmes have allowed the easing of many restrictions.
• Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar was in Britain for talks with counterparts from the Group of Seven wealthy democracies but announced he would hold his meetings virtually after possible exposure to virus cases

6. Facebook oversight board upholds ban on Trump

• Facebook`s independent oversight board on May 5, 2021 upheld a ban on former US president Donald Trump while ordering further review of the case, in a decision with a potentially far-reaching impact on the regulation of online speech.
• The board, whose decisions are binding on the leading social network, said Trump `created an environment where a serious risk of violence was possible` with his comments regarding the January 6 rampage by his supporters at the US Capitol

7. S. Arabia considers barring Haj pilgrims from abroad

• Saudi Arabia is considering barring overseas pilgrims from Haj for the second year running as Covid-19 cases rise globally and worries grow about the emergence of new variants, two sources familiar with the matter said on May 5, 2021.
• Such a move will restrict the pilgrimage to Makkah to Saudi nationals and residents of the kingdom who have been vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19 at least months prior to attending.
• While discussions about a possible ban have taken place, there has been no final decision on whether to pursue it, the sources said.

8. Lapid invited to form govt as Netanyahu fails to prove majority

• Israel`s president chose Yair Lapid, a centrist politician and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu`s strongest rival, on May 5, 2021 to try to form a new government, but his path to success was still uncertain.
• Israel`s longest serving leader, Netanyahu, 71, has been fighting to hold onto office through four inconclusive elections since 2019 and corruption allegations that he denies.
• President Reuven Rivlin, in a televised address announcing his choice of L apid, said the former finance minister had the pledged support of 56 of parliament`s 120 members, still short of a majority

9. Nearly half of UN rights council states behind activist reprisals: report

• Nearly half the countries serving on the UN Human Rights Council have been cited for conducting reprisals against activists, lawyers and others who cooperate with the world body, a study found.
• A fresh report from the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) analysed hundreds of cases over the past decade where people who assisted United Nations bodies in investigating and highlighting rights abuses were subjected to various forms of intimidation and reprisals by states

10. UK grants EU ambassador full diplomatic status

• The United Kingdom has granted full diplomatic status to the European Union`s ambassador to the country, in a reversal of policy that settles one of the disputes that have strained relations between the two sides since Brexit.
• In a joint statement on Wednesday, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and the EU`s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, said they had reached an agreement that was based on goodwill and pragmatism.
• Under the `establishment agreement for the EU delegation to the UK, the EU`s ambassador to London will now have a status consistent with those from states around the world. The EU`s staff will also have the same privileges and immunities that other delegations have in the UK`.

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About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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