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Daily Top-20 MCQs for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC (Set-23)

Daily Top-20 MCQs for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC (Set-23)

Daily Top-20 MCQs (Set-20)

for CSS, PMS, PCS, FPSC and related Exams

Today’s MCQs are all about General Knowledge (World Records), these MCQs are taken from Past Papers which are helpful for all type competitive exams.

In which month sun is closest to earth?
(a) December
(b) January
(c) November
(d) June
Answer: b

Which day is considered as the shortest day of each year?
(a) 22nd December
(b) 5th January
(c) 21st November
(d) 15th December
Answer: a

Which is the largest mountain range in the world?
(a) Alps
(b) Himalayas
(c) Andes
(d) Tibet
Answer: b

Nile is the longest river of the world. Which one of the following is the largest river of the world?
(a) Amazon
(b) Indus
(c) Hawang Ho
(d) None
Answer: a

Which is the second highest mountain peak in the world?
(a) Mt Everest
(b) K-2
(c) Trich Mir
(d) Nanga Parbat
Answer: b

The second highest mountain peak Goodwin Austen in the world is located in
(a) Nepal
(b) India
(c) Pakistan
(d) China
Answer: c

Name the longest lived land animal:
(a) Tiger
(b) Giraffe
(c) Cheetah
(d) Elephant
Answer: d

The fastest land animal is:
(a) Cheetah or hunting Leopard
(b) Bengal’s Tiger
(c) African Tiger
(d) None of these
Answer: a

Which is the tallest animal?
(a) Giraffe
(b) Ostrich
(c) Zebra
(d) None of these
Answer: a

Which is the biggest bird in the world?
(a) Ostrich
(b) Eagle
(c) Indian Sparrow
(d) Indian parrot
Answer: a

Which is the hottest planet with estimated surface temperature is 464oC of our solar system?
(a) Venus
(b) Uranus
(c) Neptune
(d) Saturn
Answer: a

Which Planet is the nearest to Earth in our solar system?
(a) Pluto
(b) Jupiter
(c) Venus
(d) Mars
Answer: c

Which is the fastest planet of our solar system?
(a) Venus
(b) Pluto
(c) Mercury
(d) Mars
Answer: c

Which is the brightest planet of our solar system?
(a) Venus
(b) Plato
(c) Jupiter
(d) Mercury
Answer: a

Which is the faintest planet of our solar system?
(a) Jupiter
(b) Pluto
(c) Pluto
(d) Venus
Answer: b

Planet with most satellites is:
(a) Venus
(b) Jupiter
(c) Saturn
(d) Pluto
Answer: b

Sirius A (Brightest star) is also known as:
(a) Cat Star
(b) Lion Star
(c) Horse Star
(d) Dog Star
Answer: d

Which of the following is the Nearest Star?
(a) Proxima Centauri
(b) Proxima Pluto
(c) Proxima Century
(d) Proxima Center
Answer: a

Which country will become the largest oil producer in 2017?
(a) Iraq
(b) USA
(c) Russia
(d) Saudi Arabia
Answer: b

Smallest Republic in the world is
(a) Balkan
(b) Nepal
(c) Nauru
(d) Haiti
Answer: c

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