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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (May 20 2023) for CSS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (May 20 2023) for CSS

May 20, 2023: National Current Affairs MCQs

1. JI emir escapes suicide attack in Zhob

• Jamaat-iIslami (JI) emir Sirajul Haq narrowly escaped a suicide attack that targeted his convoy in Balochistan`s Zhob district on May 19, 2023. Seven people were injured in the incident.
• Officials said the JI emir`s vehicle was targeted when he was travelling with party workers toZhob town from Quetta to address a public meeting arranged by the Jamaat`s provincial leader ship.
• Sirajul Haq, a former provincial minister, remained unhurt, said Zhob Commissioner Saeed Ahmed Umrani. The commissioner confirmed that it was a suicide attack

2. FSC strikes down transgender law for being `against Islam`

• The Federal Shariat Court (FSC) has struck down a law aimed at protecting transgender people`s rights, declaring that some of its provisions were against Islamic injunctions.
• Acting FSC Chief Justice Dr Syed Muhammad Anwer and Justice Khadim Hussain on Friday announced the reserved verdict on a set of petitions challenging the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2018.
• The Shariat court declared that Section 2(f) (definition of `gender identity`), Section 2(n) (iii) (definition of `Transgender Person`), Section 3 (recognition of the identity of a transgender person), and Section 7 (right to inherit) of the act were against the injunctions of the Holy Quran and Sunnah

3. Pakistan suggests separating disaster fund from climate-focused finance

• Pakistan has urged the international community to set up a dedicated fund for dealing with natural disasters as the United Nations described the global response to such calamities as weak and insufficient.
• `Climate threats are global, and they warrant global objectives and global success,` said NDMA Chairman Lt Gen Inam Haider Malik while addressing a General Assembly session in New York.
• `Pakistan proposes a dedicated global disaster risk reduction fund under the UN to finance global and regional initiatives,` he added

4. Cop martyred in attack on polio team in Mastung

• A police constable was martyred, two people were killed and 22 injured in separate attacks in Quetta and Tank, on May 19, 2023.
• In the first attack, unidentified attackers targeted a polio vaccination team in Killi Sour Karez area on the outskirts of Mastung, some 60km away from Quetta, according to police.
• The team members were administering anti-polio drops during a campaign when armed men riding motorcycles opened fire.
• The attack resulted in the martyrdom of a police constable who was guarding the team

5. Pakistan, Russia sign deal to boost economic cooperation

• Pakistan and Russia have signed a bilateral trade agreement aimed at facilitating and reducing costs of trade between the two countries.
• The deal was signed during a three-day economic conference for Muslim countries that concluded on May 19, 2023 in Kazan, Russia. The conference brought together participants from 85 countries, fostering a platform for the exchange of business ideas.
• Both countries signed the protocol relating to customs cooperation between Pakistan`s Ministry of Commerce and the Federal Customs Services of the Russian Federation. This protocol serves as a vital legal framework for the development of commercial relations between the two nations

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6. China opposes disputed venue for G20 meet

• India has tightened security for next week`s meeting of G20 tourism officials in the disputed Jammu and Kashmir region, which is expected to see China and Turkiye skipping the talks, reports said on May 19, 2023.
• The G20, made up of the world`s largest economies, has a rolling presidency with a different member state in charge of the group`s agenda and priorities each year.
• India is steering the group in 2023 and analysts say it is using the G20 meeting in an attempt to normalise what Pakistan describes as a military occupation of the disputed territory and to create an impression of international approval to its Aug 5, 2019 move that violates UNSC resolution on the disputed status of Kashmir

7. Modi `wants` normal ties with Pakistan

• Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, ahead of his visit to Japan for the G7 summit in Hiroshima on May 19, 2023, noted that his country wants `normal and neighbourly relations` with Pakistan.
• However, he reiterated India`s oft-repeated position on the issue, saying the `onus is on Islamabad to create a conducive environment free from terrorism and hostilities`.
• Pakistan has rejected the Indian stance and earlier this month told India, `Let`s not get caught up in weaponising terrorism for diplomatic point-scoring`

8. Biden endorses plan to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets

• US President Joe Biden informed G7 leaders on May 19, 2023 that Washington supports a joint effort with allies to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets, a senior administration official said, a key endorsement as Kyiv seeks to boost its air power against Russia`s invading forces.
• Training on the US-made jets will take place in Europe and will require months to complete, the official said. US officials have estimated the most expeditious time needed for training and delivery of F-16s at 18 months.
• `As the training takes place over the coming months, our coalition of countries participating in this effort will decide when to actually provide jets, how many we will provide, and who will provide them, the official said

9. UN says cholera threatens one billion, warns it doesn`t have resources to fight outbreak

• One billion people in 43 countries are at risk of cholera a `pandemic killing the poor` despite prevention and treatment being relatively straightforward, the United Nations warned on May 19, 2023.
• The UN branded the outlook bleak, saying it did not have the resources to fight the outbreaks, and the longer it took to start waging the battle, the worse the situation would get.
• Between the World Health Organisation and the children`s agency Unicef, the UN is seeking $640 million to fight the infectious disease, warning of a `cholera catastrophe` if action is not ramped up immediately

10. Blue Origin wins Nasa contract to build astronaut lunar lander

• A team led by Jeff Bezos` space company Blue Origin won a coveted Nasa contract to build a spacecraft that will send astronauts to and from the moon`s surface, Nasa`s chief announced on May 19, 2023, capping a high stakes contest.
• Nasa`s decision will give the agency a second ride to the moon under its zirremis programme, after it awarded Elon Musk`s SpaceX $3 billion in 2021 to land astronauts on the moon for the first time since the final Apollo mission in 1972.
• Those initial missions using SpaceX`s Starship system are slated for later this decade

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