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English Grammar MCQs

Advanced Level English Vocabulary MCQs (Set-4)

Advanced Level English Vocabulary MCQs (Set-4)
Written by CSS Times

Advanced Level English Vocabulary MCQs (Set-4)

The rise in energy —— has led to a reduction in the amount of fossil fuels that the world must use.
A) redundancy
B) efficiency
C) consumption
D) suitability
E) conformity
Answer: C

I believe that leaders must make an effort to stay open-minded and try to —— another person’s point
of view.
A) deplore
B) recover
C) forecast
D) insist
E) appreciate
Answer: E

We must find some way to give them a fairly complete and realistic picture of the situation, but without —— them too much.
A) depressing
B) intimidating
C) restricting
D) complementing
E) embittering
Answer: B

Any child left to its own devices for too long is likely to —— on some dangerous enterprise. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) assert
B) entice
C) embark
D) reproach
E) reduce
Answer: C

Foot and mouth disease, also called aftosa, is a highly contagious viral disease affecting —— all cloven footed mammals, including cattle, sheep, goats, and swine.
A) practically
B) haphazardly
C) secretly
D) hardly
E) swiftly
Answer: A

Check also: English Grammar MCQs

Industry as a whole was badly affected by the restrictions, but it was the high technology sector that suffered most —— . (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) blatantly
B) randomly
C) reasonably
D) tightly
E) acutely
Answer: E

The stars visible at night are —— distant, which is why they appear only as tiny points of light. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) commonly
B) eventually
C) immensely
D) intensively
E) specially
Answer: C

Her parents spend their summers in the south, but their —— residence, a luxury apartment, is in Istanbul. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) favourable
B) traditional
C) previous
D) permanent
E) ordinary
Answer: D

One defect seems inherent in a purely classical education –namely, a too —— emphasis on the past. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) recurrent
B) repressive
C) coherent
D) exclusive
E) deceptive
Answer: A

The Kodak Company now faces stiff —— both from abroad and from rival firms at home. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) renovation
B) competition
C) investment
D) commerce
E) recession
Answer: B

Many people think of the United States as a young country, yet it has the oldest written —— among the major nations of the world. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) involvement
B) concession
C) proposition
D) treaty
E) constitution
Answer: E

Check Also: Test Your Knowledge: English Grammar MCQs

A few people enjoyed the exhibition, but the majority were clearly —– .
A) restrained
B) admirable
C) impartial
D) disappointed
E) relieved
Answer: D

Thanks to various advances in modern medicine, certain diseases that were seemingly incurable now —— treatment.
A) consist of
B) yield to
C) interfere with
D) stem from
E) result from
Answer: B

Although the partners seem to be in full agreement on matters of management, there is actually a —— difference of opinion among them. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) smooth
B) abundant
C) flexible
D) vast
E) relentless
Answer: D

Admittedly, the engineer’s report was relatively unimaginative, but it was, on the whole, —— .
A) accurate
B) irrelevant
C) vacant
D) deceptive
E) wealthy
Answer: A

He has behaved —— on many occasions, so this instance of impoliteness is hardly surprising. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) shyly
B) endearingly
C) sensitively
D) readily
E) inconsiderately
Answer: E

At the meeting, even though he spoke well, he was unable to —— the other members. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) complete
B) persuade
C) reinterpret
D) agree
E) dispute
Answer: B

The United States has long prided itself on being a melting pot of culturally —— peoples. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) diverse
B) redundant
C) incoherent
D) entire
E) substantial
Answer: A

It is —— ten years since AIDS caught the world’s attention. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) formidably
B) generously
C) pertinently
D) roughly
E) inevitably
Answer: D

As a result of the continuing economic recession, a huge —— in the budget seems inevitable. (English Vocabulary MCQs)
A) redundancy
B) improvement
C) profit
D) distinction
E) deficit
Answer: E

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CSS Times

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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