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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (Dec 13 2022) for CSS

International Current Affairs  MCQs News

6. EU agrees upon additional military aid to Ukraine

• Russian forces pounded targets in eastern and southern Ukraine with missiles, drones and artillery, Ukraine`s General Staff said on December 12, 2022, while millions remained without power in subzero temperatures after further strikes on key infrastructure.
• European Union foreign ministers agreed to put another two billion euros ($2.1 billion) into a fund that has been used to pay for military support for Ukraine, after it was largely depleted during almost 10 months of the war.
• The EU ministers were also due to to discuss a ninth package of sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, while Ukraine`s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was set to address an online gathering of Group of Seven (G7) leaders about the war

7. Peru in turmoil after removal of president

• Hundreds of protesters on December 12, 2022 used burning tires, wood and rocks to block the airport runway in Peru`s second-largest city, Arequipa, demonstrating against the ousting of former president Pedro Castillo.
• Protesters have demanded fresh elections and the resignation of new President Dina Boluarte, following the arrest of her leftist predecessor Castillo last week after he attempted to dissolve Congress and rule by decree.
• Police used tear gas to confront demonstrators who smashed runway lighting and forced the airport`s closure, a photographer reported. Boluarte tried to ease tensions following deadly weekend clashes, announcing on Sunday she would seek to hold elections two years early, while also declaring a state of emergency in flashpoint areas.

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8. Dutch ministry apologises for `racism`

• The Dutch foreign ministry apologised on December 12, 2022 after a report said it was infested by institutional racism, with people from ethnic backgrounds called `monkeys` and other abusive terms.
• The independent report, commissioned in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, found that employees of colour often felt excluded and ignored by white colleagues at the ministry.
• It said that while employees were `not usually abused in person`, they often experienced `verbal aggression` by hearing others disparage people on the grounds of skin colour, religion or origin.
• `A number of employees have said that people have been referred to as `monkeys`, `bokitos`, `negroes` and `Black Pete` because of their skin colour,` the report said.

9. Fresh border `face-off` leaves Chinese, Indian troops injured

• Indian and Chinese troops engaged in a fresh `face-off` on their disputed Himalayan border last week, leaving several injured on both sides, sources said on December 12, 2022.
• Relations have been at rockbottom between the nuclear armed Asian giants since a clash that left 20 Indian soldiers and at least four Chinese troops dead on their high-altitude frontier in June 2020.
• The new incident on Dec 9, which followed recent joint US-India military exercises near the border, led to `minor injuries to (a) few personnel from both sides`, one source said.
• Another source, from the Indian army, said at least six Indian soldiers were hurt.
• China was yet to comment officially

10. Rampant Wood inspires England to series triumph in Multan thriller

• England pulled off a series clinching 26-run victory against Pakistan in the dramatic second Test in Multan on Monday in a fresh vindication of their highly entertaining brand of cricket.
• A week after pulling off a memorable victory in the series opener in Rawalpindi, Ben Stokes and his men prevailed in yet another thriller to register, with a match to spare, England`s first series win in Pakistan since 2000-01.
• Fast bowler Mark Wood finished with four wickets as Pakistan, set a daunting victory target of 355, added to the drama with their spirited rearguard before being all out for 328 in the second session on the penultimate day of the contest.
• England had won only two away Tests against Pakistan prior to the start of this series

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (Dec 13 2022) for CSS

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Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
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