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July 2020

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (July 22, 2020) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (July 22, 2020) for CSS, PMS
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

July 22, 2020: National / International Current Affairs

1. Punjab Cabinet approves Protection of Islam Act 2020

• Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar chaired the 33nd meeting of the provincial cabinet at his office in Lahore on July 21, 2020.
• Following the meeting, Punjab Information Minister Fayyaz ul Hassan Chauhan briefed the media persons about the decisions taken by the provincial cabinet.
• He said that Punjab Cabinet in its 33rd session approved the Protection of Islam Act 2020. The implementation of this Act will make it possible to completely eliminate offensive or blasphemous content. He said that publication of books or any material which is against the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), their Companions, the Righteous Caliphs, the Mothers of the Believers and the Ahl el-Bayt would be completely banned.

2. SC suspends PHC order to release 196 persons convicted by military courts

• The Supreme Court of Pakistan on July 21, 2020 suspended the Peshawar High Court (PHC) order to release 196 persons, convicted by the military courts on terrorism charges.
• A three-member bench of the apex court headed by Justice Mushir Alam conducted hearing of the federation appeal against the PHC order and issued stay orders against it.
• Earlier this month, the PHC overturned the convictions of 196 individuals who had been sentenced by military courts and ordered their release. The court, in its verdict, mentioned that these people were accused on the basis of a confessional statement and not provided a chance at fair trial.
• The apex court directed the federal government to furnish complete details of the persons released by the High Court.

3. Cabinet defers proposal to increase TV licence fee

• The federal cabinet on July 21, 2020 deferred the proposed increase in the television licence fee charged from the country`s electricity consumers and also approved amendments to money laundering and terror financing acts as well as the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898 to meet Financial Action Task Force (FATF) requirements.
• The cabinet, which met with Prime Minister Imran Khan in the chair, also lauded the government`s decision to make public assets by advisers and special assistants to the prime minister and stressed the need to ensure uninterrupted supply of wheat/ flour and stability in prices.
• `Today the proposal to increase TV fee from Rs35 to Rs100 was placed before the cabinet which was deferred,` Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shibli Faraz said during his press conference after the cabinet meeting

4. CAD shrinks 78pc in 2019-20

• The country`s current account deficit in fiscal year 2019-20 fell by 78 per cent mainly on account of significant decline in imports, record high remittances and foreign direct investment during the period under review, latest data issued by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) showed on July 21, 2020.
• The current account deficit narrowed to $2.966 billion in FY20, down 78.6pc compared to $13.434bn in the previous fiscal year. Meanwhile, in FY18, the current account deficit was $20bn.
• This massive decline also helped government improve its foreign exchange reserves through a sharp reduction in the import bill.

5. Punjab cabinet approves Heritage Authority for entire province

• The Punjab cabinet which met here on July 21, 2020 under the chair of Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar approved establishment of Walled City and Heritage Area Authority Punjab expanding the scope of the Walled City of Lahore Authority.
• It also approved a notification regarding establishment of a national park over an area of 8,740 acre at Kheri Murat near Fateh Jang and another park at Pabbi near Kharian over 38,874 acres.
• The Lal Suhanra National Park Bahawalpur will also be expanded with an area of one lac, 62 thousand and 567 acres.

6. One dead, 7 injured in Turbat blast

• At least one person was killed and seven others injured in an IED blast in Turbat Bazaar, police said yesterday.
• The city, approximately 700 kilometres from the provincial capital of Quetta, has been frequently targeted by militants.
• According to law enforcement agencies, an improvised explosive device (IED) was fitted on a motorcycle. As a result of the explosion, a nearby mechanic shop was completely destroyed by fire. Police said windows of the nearby buildings were also shattered due to intensity of the blast.

7. China proposes package solution to resolve border disputes with Bhutan

• China on July 21, 2020 proposed a package solution to resolve border disputes with Bhutan saying, the central, eastern and western sections of the boundary were disputed between the two countries.
• “China’s position has been consistent and clear. That part of the territory is not yet demarcated, and the middle, eastern and western sections of the border are disputed,@ Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said during his regular briefing while responding to a question regarding China’s claim over Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary at the Global Environment Facility Council Meeting. He said, “China has proposed a package solution to these disputes

8. Sudan`s ousted strongman Bashir goes on trial for 1989 coup

• Sudan`s former president Omar alBashir, ousted amid a popular pro-democracy uprising last year, went on trial on July 21, 2020 over the military coup that brought him to power more than three decades ago.
• Bashir, 76, and his co accused could face the death penalty if convicted over the 1989 Islamist backed overthrow of the democratically elected government of prime minister Sadek al-Mahdi.
• It is the first time in the Arab world`s modern history that the architect of a coup is tried for plotting a putsch, although the man dubbed the true brain behind it, Hassan Turabi of the National Islamic Front, died in 2016

9. China wields economic weapons over tensions with UK

• Just five years ago, Britain was predicting a `golden era` in trade with China. July 22, 2020, the shine has faded as the two countries square off over Hong Kong, Huawei and human rights.
• Beijing is now threatening `consequences` after London withdrew its extradition treaty with Hong Kong, a former British colony. That followed Britain`s decision to blacklist the telecoms giant Huawei.
• China is also angry at British criticism of its treatment of ethnic minority groups in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.China could close its borders to British products as it did with Norwegian salmon to punish Oslo after the Nobel committee awarded its Peace Prize to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo in 2010.

10. Biden pledges to undo `Muslim ban` on first day in office

• Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden has said that he would overturn President Donald Trump`s Muslim ban on his first day in office and partner with Muslims to undo the social harms caused by such measures.
• In a speech to Engage Action, an advocacy group for Muslim Americans, on Monday afternoon, the former vice president also said that Muslims were the first to suffer attacks under the Trump administration.
• `Donald Trump has fanned the flames of hate in this country across the board through his words, his policies, his appointments and his deeds,` he said. `I will undo the Muslim ban on day one.

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About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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