English Grammar MCQs

One Word Substitutes MCQs | English Grammar for Competitive Exams

One Word Substitutes MCQs
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

State in which the few govern the many
(a) Oligarchy
(b) Monarchy
(c) Autocracy
(d) Plutocracy
Answer: (a)

A person pretending to be somebody he is not
(a) Magician
(b) Rogue
(c) Liar
(d) Imposter
Answer: (d)

That which cannot be corrected
(a) Unintelligible
(b) Illegible
(c) Indelible
(d) Incorrigible
Answer: (d)

A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge
(a) Pedantic
(b) Verbose
(c) Pompous
(d) Ornate
Answer: (a)

The study of ancient societies
(a) Anthropology
(b) History
(c) Archaeology
(d) Ethnology
Answer: (c)

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Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool
(a) Senility
(b) Dotage
(c) Imbecility
(d) Superannuation
Answer: (b)

A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power
(a) Snob
(b) Expert
(c) Intellectual
(d) Literate
Answer: (c)

Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous
(a) Evacuate
(b) Evade
(c) Avoid
(d) Exterminate
Answer: (a)

A person who knows many foreign languages
(a) Bilingual
(b) Grammarian
(c) Linguist
(d) Polyglot
Answer: (c)

List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting
(a) Schedule
(b) Timetable
(c) Agenda
(d) Plan
Answer: (c)

A person who insists on something
(a) Stickler
(b) Instantaneous
(c) Disciplinarian
(d) Boaster
Answer: (a)

One who eats everything
(a) Omniscient
(b) Omnivorous
(c) Irrestible
(d) Insolvent
Answer: (b)

Words inscribed on tomb
(a) Epilogue
(b) Epitaph
(c) Epitome
(d) Epistle
Answer: (b)

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The custom or practice of having more than one husband at same time
(a) Polyphony
(b) Polygyny
(c) Polychromy
(d) Polyandry
Answer: (d)

One who possesses many talents
(a) Nubile
(b) Exceptional
(c) Versatile
(d) Gifted
Answer: (c)

Malafide case is one
(a) Which is undertaken after a long delay
(b) Which is undertaken in a bad faith
(c) Which is undertaken in a good faith
(d) Which is not undertaken at all
Answer: (b)

One who has little faith in human sincerity and goodness
(a) Cynic
(b) Egoist
(c) Fatalist
(d) Stoic
Answer: (a)

Teetotaller means
(a) One who abstains from theft
(b) One who abstains from taking wine
(c) One who abstains from meat
(d) One who abstains from malice
Answer: (b)

Tending to move away from the center or axis
(a) Centrifugal
(b) Centripetal
(c) Axiomatic
(d) Awry
Answer: (a)

A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics, etc.
(a) Boutique
(b) Stall
(c) Booth
(d) Store
Answer: (a)

A remedy for all diseases
(a) Stoic
(b) Panacea
(c) Recompense
(d) Marvel
Answer: (b)

One who is fond of fighting
(a) Belligerent
(b) Bellicose
(c) Aggressive
(d) Militant
Answer: (b)

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One who is not easily pleased by anything
(a) Fastidious
(b) Mediaeval
(c) Precarious
(d) Maiden
Answer: (a)

A person interested in collecting, studying and selling of old things
(a) Antiquarian
(b) Junk-dealer
(c) Crank
(d) Archaeologist
Answer: (a)

A drawing on transparent paper
(a) Red print
(b) Blue print
(c) Negative
(d) Transparency
Answer: (d)

In a state of tension or anxiety or suspense
(a) Diffused
(b) Depressed
(c) Off balance
(d) On tenterhooks
Answer: (d)

That which cannot be read
(a) Incorrigible
(b) Negligible
(c) Illegible
(d) Ineligible
Answer: (c)

That which cannot be seen
(a) Intangible
(b) Insensible
(c) Invisible
(d) Unseen
Answer: (c)

Habitually silent or talking little
(a) Unequivocal
(b) Servile
(c) Synoptic
(d) Taciturn
Answer: (d)

To slap with a flat object
(a) Swat
(b) Chop
(c) Hew
(d) Gnaw
Answer: (a)

One who cannot be corrected
(a) Incorrigible
(b) Incurable
(c) Invulnerable
(d) Hardened
Answer: (a)

Be the embodiment or perfect example of
(a) Personify
(b) Idol
(c) Characterize
(d) Signify
Answer: (a)

A place that provides refuge
(a) Orphanage
(b) Sanatorium
(c) Asylum
(d) Shelter
Answer: (c)

Something that can be heard
(a) Auditory
(b) Audio-visual
(c) Audible
(d) Audition
Answer: (c)

A name adopted by an author in his writings
(a) Nickname
(b) Title
(c) Nomenclature
(d) Pseudonym
Answer: (d)

A person not sure of the existence of god
(a) Theist
(b) Agnostic
(c) Cynic
(d) Atheist
Answer: (b)

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Study of birds
(a) Orology
(b) Optology
(c) Ophthalmology
(d) Ornithology
Answer: (d)

A child born after death of his father
(a) Orphan
(b) Posthumous
(c) Bastard
(d) Progenitor
Answer: (b)

The absence of law and order
(a) Anarchy
(b) Rebellion
(c) Mutiny
(d) Revolt
Answer: (a)

One who does not care for literature or art
(a) Philistine
(b) Illiterate
(c) Primitive
(d) Barbarian
Answer: (a)

Giving undue favors to one’s own kith and kin
(a) Nepotism
(b) Favouritism
(c) Worldliness
(d) Corruption
Answer: (a)

Study of the evolution of man as an animal
(a) Ethnology
(b) Anthropology
(c) Chronology
(d) Archaeology
Answer: (b)

Hater of learning and knowledge
(a) Misogynist
(b) Misologist
(c) Bibliophile
(d) Misanthropist
Answer: (b)

A person interested in reading books and nothing else
(a) Book-worm
(b) Book-keepr
(c) Scholar
(d) Student
Answer: (a)

A place where monks live as a secluded community
(a) Diocese
(b) Convent
(c) Cathedral
(d) Monastery
Answer: (d)

A place where bees are kept in called
(a) A hive
(b) An apiary
(c) A mole
(d) A sanctuary
Answer: (b)

A large sleeping-room with many beds
(a) Bedroom
(b) Hostel
(c) Dormitory
(d) Basement
Answer: (c)

A religious discourse
(a) Sermon
(b) Preach
(c) Sanctorum
(d) Stanza
Answer: (a)

Incapable of being seen through
(a) Opaque
(b) Potable
(c) Obsolete
(d) Ductile
Answer: (a)

Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s banks
(a) Swamps
(b) Isthmus
(c) Hinterland
(d) Archipelago
Answer: (c)

One who studies the pattern of voting in election
(a) Anthropologist
(b) Cartographer
(c) Lexicographer
(d) Psephologist
Answer: (d)

Absence of the government
(a) Anarchy
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Autocracy
(d) Autonomy
Answer: (a)

Government run by officials is called :
(a) Democracy
(b) Bureaucracy
(c) Gerontocracy
(d) Kekistocracy
Answer: (b)

Government by inexperienced persons is called
(a) Panarchy
(b) Oligarchy
(c) Neocracy
(d) Ochlocracy
Answer: (c)

Government by the rich is called
(a) Theocracy
(b) Thearchy
(c) Monarchy
(d) Plutocracy
Answer: (d)

Murder of one’s children is called
(a) Foeticide
(b) Fillicide
(c) Fratricide
(d) Homicide
Answer: (b)

Murder of king or queen is called
(a) Matricide
(b) Parricide
(c) Regicide
(d) Uxoricide
Answer: (c)

Sound of apes is called
(a) Gibber
(b) Clang
(c) Bray
(d) Moan
Answer: (a)

Sound made by brakes
(a) Drone
(b) Jingle
(c) Chirp
(d) Screech
Answer: (d)

Sound made by the camels is called
(a) Mew
(b) Grunt
(c) Clank
(d) Low
Answer: (b)

Creak is the sound of
(a) Crows
(b) Doors
(c) Dogs
(d) Coins
Answer: (b)

About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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