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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs/News (Nov 21 2022) for CSS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs/News (Nov 21 2022) for CSS

November 21, 2022: National Current Affairs MCQs

1. Historic accord to fund climate damages struck

• A fraught climate summit wrapped up on November 20, 2022 with a landmark deal on funding to help vulnerable countries cope with devastating impacts of global warming with Pakistan hailing the outcome as it noted that the UN conference had responded to the `voices of the damaged`.
• However, the two-week talks in Egypt`s Red Sea resort of Sharm el Sheikh also underlined anger over a failure to push further ambition on cutting emissions.
• The negotiations, which at times appeared to teeter on the brink of collapse, delivered a major breakthrough on a fund for climate `loss and damage`.
• Climate Minister Sherry Rehman said the COP27 had `responded to the voices of the vulnerable, the damaged and the lost of the whole world`

2. Three soldiers hurt in firing from across Afghan border

• Pakistan`s security forces and the Afghan Taliban exchanged fire along the border in Kurram tribal district on November 20, 2022 after Afghan authorities started construction activities inside Pakistani territory.
• According to officials, three soldiers were wounded in cross-border firing. Residential areas also came under fire along the border on the Pakistan side, leaving two children injured.
• They said clashes erupted near Kherlachi and Borki areas, two villages in Kurram district that border Afghanistan`s Paktia province, on Saturday night after Taliban, along with residents of Danda-Pattan, crossed into Pakistani territory to construct a road

3. 21 nations urge India to ensure religious freedom

• At least 21 countries have urged India to improve its protection of freedom of religion and rights of religious minorities.
• Others have raised concerns over increasing violence and hate speech and the government`s adoption of discriminatory policies such as `anti-conversion` laws.
• In a joint statement issued this weekend, six international human rights groups reminded New Delhi that it still needs to implement that recommendations that are part of a recent UN report on India.
• The recommendations cover a range of key concerns including the protection of minority communities and vulnerable groups, tackling gender-based violence, upholding civil society freedoms, protecting human rights defenders, and ending torture in custody

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4. For US, Pakistan remains key regional ally, India global partner

• India is a global partner while Pakistan is a valuable partner in a sensitive region, says the US State Department while explaining its relations with the two South Asian nations.
• `India is an invaluable partner, not just in the region but as it relates to a lot of the United States` shared priorities across the world,` said the department`s Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel while commenting on Washington`s ties with New Delhi.
• US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Indian External Affairs Minister S.
• Jaishankar `remain in close touch as they need to`

5. Balochistan`s train link with country restored after three months

• Three months after devastating floods damaged the railway infrastructure in Balochistan, Pakistan Railways on November 20, 2022 restored train operations linking the province with Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
• Jaffar Express became the first train to leave Mach railway station at 11am, carrying 261 passengers. The train will reach Peshawar via Sibi, Jacobabad, Sukkur, Rohri, Multan, Lahore and Rawalpindi.
• Previously, Jaffar Express used to run between Quetta and Peshawar via Mach. However, the track between Quetta and Mach a stretch of around 50km has been rendered useless since a key bridge at Harak in Bolan Pass was washed away by floods earlier this year.
• A senior PR official also told Dawn the rehabilitation of the bridge between Quetta and Mach was being fast-tracked but it may take up to two months to reopen the section, which further extends to Karachi

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6. Mushahid elected co-chair of ICAPP

• Senate Standing Committee on Defence Chairman Mushahid Hussain Syed has been elected as the co-chair of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP).

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• He was unanimously elected for the position at ICAPP`s 11th General Assembly in Istanbul (Türkiye), which was attended by nearly 200 representatives and leaders of 70 political parties from 33 countries, the senator`s office said in a statement issued on Sunday.
• ICAPP is Asia`s oldest and largest organisation of political parties. It was launched in Manila in September 2000 to promote exchanges and cooperation between political parties from different Asian countries

International Current Affairs

7. Muhyiddin gains backing for PM bid after indecisive Malaysian polls

• Malaysia`s former premier Muhyiddin Yassin secured backing from two political blocs on November 20, 2022 as he sought to form a new government after a general election produced a hung parliament, but he had yet to win the required majority.
• Muhyiddin, of the Perikatan Nasional coalition, said he had won support from two regional blocs based in the island of Borneo. That would boost his alliance`s seat tally from 73 to 101 still short of the required 112 majority.
• `I am confident I will obtain enough support from lawmakers that will enable me to be appointed by the king as Prime Minister,` he said, without saying which other parties might back him

8. Turkiye launches `retaliatory` air raids in Syria, Iraq

• Turkiye announced on November 20, 2022 it had carried out air strikes against the bases of outlawed Kurdish militants across northern Syria and Iraq, which it said were being used to launch `terrorist` attacks on Turkish soil.
• The offensive, codenamed Operation Claw-Sword, comes a week after a blast in central Istanbul that killed six people and wounded 81.
• Turkiye blamed the attack on the Kurdistan Workers` Party (PKK), which has waged a bloody insurgency there for decades and is designated a terror group by Ankara and its Western allies. The PKK has denied involvement in the Istanbul explosion

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9. Qatar make wrong history as Valencia fires Ecuador to victory

• A HOST team looking to prove its worth to the massive investment incurred in building it apart from splurging over US$200billion in staging the World Cup.
• Just the cost of the state-of-the-art Aspire Academy, where Qatar`s national team has been raised some 45 minutes away from the Al Bayt Stadium where it opened the World Cup on Sunday, stands at around US$1billion.
• With a nation in expectation, Qatar`s players were under pressure to deliver; an army of fans dressed in maroon Qatar`s national colours welcoming them on the pitch and chanting all along.
• Qatar are the reigning Asian champions but their prime was in 2019 when they won the Asian Cup. Here in front of their fervent fans, they were looking to avoid being the first World Cup hosts to lose the opening match.

10. Unmatched ceremony kicks off World Cup in Qatar

• A welcome like none other in the past; an extravaganza of dance, music and choreography with a continuous message of unity.
• Twelve years after it was awarded the right to host the World Cup, Qatar opened the tournament in spectacular fashion on November 20, 2022 at its bedouin tent-styled Al Bayt Stadium in the desert.
• The tiny Gulf state has spent an estimated $220 billion to host the first World Cup of the Arab world and it certainly spared no expense in an Olympic-style ceremony.
• `How beautiful it is for people to put aside what divides them in order to celebrate their diversity,` Qatar`s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani said to loud cheers in his address in Arabic. `Let this tournament be full of inspiring days of goodness and hope, and welcome everyone to the world in Doha.

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