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June 2020

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs/News (June 02, 2020) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs/News (June 02, 2020) for CSS, PMS
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

June 02, 2020: National / International Current Affairs

1. PM lifts restrictions on tourism industry

• Prime Minister Imran Khan on June 1, 2020 announced the reopening of tourism industry and allowed all overseas Pakistanis to return home after the National Coordination Committee gave the go-ahead to self-quarantine policy for Covid-19 patients among them.
• Over the past 24 hours, the countrywide tally of coronavirus cases surged from 71,068 to 74,320. So far, 29,647 cases have been detected in Sindh, 26,240 in Punjab, 10,485 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 4,393 in Balochistan, 2,589 in Islamabad, 711 in Gilgit-Baltistan and 255 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The death toll also climbed to 1,574 from 1,520.
• The decisions to further ease the restrictions were taken at the National Coordination Committee (NCC) meeting, which was presided over by Prime Minister Imran Khan

2. Law minister quits to represent govt in Justice Isa case

• The riddle as to who will represent the federal government before the Supreme Court in the Justice Qazi Faez Isa case was finally solved on June 1, 2020 as Dr Farogh Naseem stepped aside from the coveted post of federal minister for law and justice and announced that he would be the government`s counsel in the case.
• Dr Naseem tendered his resignation, a day before a 10-judge Supreme Court bench headed by Justice Umar Ata Bandial is scheduled to resume the formal hearing of a set of petitions challenging the filing of the presidential reference against Justice Isa.
• Soon after the resignation, Justice Isa moved an application before the apex court requesting it to not permit Dr Naseem to represent the federal government in the case. However, the judge was of the opinion, Dr Naseem could appear in person to represent himself.

3. Punjab allows businesses to open five days a week with longer working hours

• Buckling under the business community`s pressure and to `keep the economy running`, the Punjab government has allowed opening of all markets, bazaars, shopping malls and other businesses five days a week with longer working hours.
• The decision was taken despite the Punjab primary and secondary health department`s `smart sampling` data analysis report that showed a massive spread of coronavirus in Lahore, dwarfing the available figures of infected patients.
• The government has, however, decided not to open new avenues for public`s outdoor interaction in the spaces like restaurants and parks, mainly because people did not take the coronavirus threat seriously during the Eid holidays, multiplying the number of virus positive patients in the province.

4. $188m accord reached with World Bank for environment protection

• Pakistan on June 1, 2020 signed a $188 million agreement with the World Bank for environmental protection through forest regeneration and biodiversity conservation programmes and boosting the country`s climate-resilience through enhanced disaster risk management.
• Under the agreement, the World Bank would join hands with Pakistan and provide funding and technical support for disaster resilience and ecosystem restoration initiatives through more reliable and timely weather forecasting. It will also help in improved disaster risk management services as well as overall environmental sustainability and achieving green growth targets of the country.
• Speaking at a signing ceremony of the `Pakistan Hydromet and Ecosystem Restoration Services Project` agreement, Adviser to the Prime Minister for Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam said the project had been agreed between the government and the World Bank, with an objective to strengthen delivery of reliable and timely climate change and hydrometeorological services. `It will enhance community resilience to shocks, including socio-economic disruptions caused to communities by climate risks, health emergencies, food security and natural disasters.

5. Mohmand Dam completion in 2025, Basha Dam in 2028

• Chairman Water and Power Development Authority Lt. General (retd) Muzammil Hussain, on June 1, 2020, informed the Supreme Court that Diamer-Bhasa Dam would be completed in July 2028 while Mohmand Dam’s first power unit would start functioning in December 2024.
• This was told before a five-member special bench headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Gulzar Ahmed, while hearing the implementation of its directives regarding construction of Diamer-Basha and Mohmand dams.
• In the beginning of the proceeding, Justice Gulzar took notice of the crowded courtroom where litigants were sitting close to each other. Expressing his annoyance over it, the CJP asked why the SOPs about social distancing were being neglected. The Chief Justice ordered the irrelevant people to leave the courtroom and said that observing SOPs was for the safety of the people from coronavirus

6. Writer Asif Farrukhi passes away

• The world of literature, in particular Urdu literature, was deeply saddened to learn on June 1, 2020 evening that Asif Farrukhi, an eminent short story writer, translator, critic and publisher, had died of heart attack.
• He was 60.
• He was veritably a modern-day literary giant who hailed from a family of men of letters his father Dr Aslam Farrukhi, uncle Anwar Ahsan Siddiqui and a relative from the mother`s side, Shahid Ahmed Dehlavi, were distinguished writers

7. Turkey`s Grand Bazaar reopens, along with cafes and restaurants

• Turkey reopened restaurants, cafes and Istanbul`s iconic 15th century Grand Bazaar market on June 1, 2020 as the government further eased coronavirus restrictions.
• Many other facilities including parks, beaches, libraries and museums reopened across the country, while millions of public sector employees returned to work.
• At Istanbul`s landmark Grand Bazaar, traders were dusting the shelves and tidying their shops while janitors scrubbed floors as the world-famous site welcomed visitors again.
• The bazaar on the historic peninsula also home to tourist sites such as the Hagia Sophia museum and the Blue Mosque, was closed on March 23 to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

8. Double jeopardy for DR Congo as it reports fresh Ebola outbreak

• DR Congo reported a fresh Ebola outbreak in its northwest on June 1, 2020, the latest health emergency for a country already fighting an epidemic of the deadly fever in the east as well as a surging number of coronavirus infections.
• The lith Ebola outbreak in the vast central African country`s history comes just weeks before it had hoped to declare the end of the 10th in the east.
• Health Minister Eteni Longondo said that `four people have already died` from Ebola in a district of the northwestern city of Mbandaka.
• `The National Institute of Biomedical Research (INRB) has confirmed to me that samples fromMbandaka tested positive for Ebola,` Longondo told a press conference on June 1, 2020.

9. Paper-thin transistor handles more than 8,000 volts

• People love their electric cars. But not so much the bulky batteries and related power systems that take up precious cargo space.
• Help could be on the way from a gallium oxide-based transistor under development at the University at Buffalo. In a study published in the June edition of IEEE Electron Device Letters, electrical engineers describe how the tiny electronic switch can handle more than 8,000 volts, an impressive feat considering it’s about as thin as a sheet of paper.
• The transistor could lead to smaller and more efficient electronic systems that control and convert electric power — a field of study known as power electronics — in electric cars, locomotives and airplanes.

10. Coronavirus claims life of composer Wajid Khan

• Wajid Khan, one of the top composers of Bollywood dance songs, has died at the age of 42 after contracung coronavirus, media reports said on June 1, 2020.
• Khan, who had been suffering from a kidney ailment, passed away in Mumbai on Sunday after suffering cardiac arrest, his brother told Press Trust of India news agency, adding that he had tested positive for the virus.
• The first death in Bollywood to be attributed to the pandemic sent shockwaves through the industry, which is still reeling from the loss of two luminaries, Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor, in April

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About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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