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July 2020

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (July 02, 2020) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (July 02, 2020) for CSS, PMS
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

July 02, 2020: National / International Current Affairs

1. PIA barred from operating out of three UK airports

• A day after the UK Civil Aviation Authority, much like its counterpart organisation from the European Union, withdrew the permit of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) to operate from three of its airports due to suspicions over the authenticity of pilots` licences, the aviation authorities of the United Arab Emirates (UA E) on July 1, 2020 sought confirmation of the credentials of Pakistani flight operations officers and engineers working in the Gulf country.
• Soon after the European Union Air Safety Agency announced on Tuesday its decision to suspend in principle the PIA`s authorisation to operate flights to and from its airports for six months, the British authorities said they too were withdrawing PIA`s permit to operate from the Birmingham, London Heathrow and Manchester airports, according to Reuters.

2. Punjab changes pension regime to save Rs59.1bn in three years

• The changes in the minimum voluntary retirement age (MVRA) and pension rules for provincial government employees are projected to save Punjab a cumulative pension expenditure of Rs59.1 billion over the next three financial years through 2020/23.
• The provincial cabinet had approved the changes in the retirement age in its meeting held on June 15 to approve the budget for the present financial year.
• The modifications in the retirement and pension rules were suggested by a cabinet committee formed to examine the pension regime in the province under finance minister Makhdum Hashim Jawan Bakht. The objective is to reduce the growing burden of the provincial pension bill and create fiscal space for development and other necessary expenditure.

3. AJK assembly amends criminal law

• The Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly on July 1, 2020 unanimously passed an amendment in a criminal law, envisaging capital punishment, life imprisonment, fine or castration to rapists of individuals under 18 years of age including minors.
• Expressing his gratitude to the house for enacting AJK Criminal Law (third amendment) Act 2020, Minister for Disaster Management and Civil Defence Ahmed Raza Qadri said that the legislation would help the state, effectively control the vice of sexual abuse of children.
• Before his appointment as minister, Mr Qadri had moved this bill as a private member.

4. Hong Kong makes first security law arrests as thousands defy protest ban

• Hong Kong police arrested about 370 people on July 1, 2020 including 10 under China`s new national security law as thousands defied a ban on protests on the anniversary of the city`s handover to China.
• Police used water cannon, pepper spray and tear gas in a series of confrontations with protesters, one day after China drew global criticism for imposing the controversial legislation on the financial hub.
• Beijing said the law would restore stability after nearly a year of unrest, but instead it sparked the worst street violence in months.

5. India, China hold inconclusive talks on ending army face-off

• Indian and Chinese military commanders met for a third time in an attempt to ease a month-long face-off over disputed territory and emphasised the need for a phased deescalation of tensions, a senior Indian army official said on July 1, 2020.
• The official said more meetings are expected, both among military officials and diplomats, to reach a mutually agreeable solution and ensure peace along their disputed Line of Actual Control.
• The latest meeting took place on the Indian side of the disputed border on Tuesday, he said.

6. Egypt reopens pyramids to tourists after virus closure

• Egypt reopened its famed Giza pyramids to the public on July 1, 2020 after a three-month closure, seeking to restart a vital tourism industry battered by the novel coronavirus.
• Dozens of excited tourists snapped selfies as they wandered around Egypt`s most iconic ancient site.
• The pyramids were the country`s first tourist attraction to reopen, along with the Egyptian Museum next to Cairo`s Tahrir Square, ground zero of the 2011 revolution.

7. France pulls out of Nato maritime operation over Turkey tensions

• France said on July 1, 2020 it was suspending its participation in a NATO Mediterranean maritime security operation owing to the behaviour of Turkey, in a new escalation of a growing dispute between the two alliance allies.
• Paris and Ankara have exchanged bitter barbs over the last days concerning the conflict in Libya, with both sides accusing each other of stoking bloodshed in the North African country.
• The defence ministry said France would no longer take part in the NATO operation until it gets a response to its concerns over the behaviour of Turkey

8. Russian voters back reforms allowing Putin to stay until 2036

• Russians overwhelmingly approved a package of constitutional changes in a nationwide vote, partial results showed on July 1, 2020, allowing President Vladimir Putin to potentially extend his two decade rule until 2036.
• With almost 30 percent of polling stations reporting after the end of six days of voting, 74 percent of voters had supported the reforms, the central election commission said.
• There had been little doubt of voters backing the changes, which Putin announced earlier this year and critics denounced as a manoeuvre to allow him to stay in the Kremlin for life.

9. Thousands of grade 1-16 posts being abolished

• In a major policy decision, the government has started the process of abolition of tens of thousands of Grade 1-16 posts in the federal government that have been vacant for a minimum of one year as part of the right-sizing plan agreed to with the World Bank.
• On July 1, 2020, the ministry of finance asked the establishment division`s secretary to proceed on the matter in line with a decision of the Cabinet Implementation Committee `to abolish all posts that have remained vacant for more than one year in BPS 1-16 in all ministries, divisions and Executive Departments`.
• The decision is part of the government`s commitment with the international lending agencies, including the World Bank, for the `reorganisation and right-sizing of the federal government` to control expenditure on running of the civil government.

10. Manohar steps down as ICC chairman

• India`s Shashank Manohar stepped down as chairman of the International Cricket Council on July 1, 2020 after four years in office.
• The 62-year-old successfully spearheaded efforts to restructure the ICC while in office, curbing the dominance of Australia, India and England -cricket`s three wealthiest nations.
• He became the ICC`s first independent chairman in 2016 and was elected unopposed for a second term two years later but said recently he was ready to step down.

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (July 02, 2020) for CSS, PMS

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About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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