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September 2021

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (September 02, 2021) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (September 02, 2021) for CSS, PMS
Written by CSS Times

September 02, 2021: National / International Current Affairs

1. Veteran Kashmiri leader Geelani passes away

• Syed Ali Geelani, a top Kashmiri leader and one of the severest critics of India`s occupation of Kashmir, died late on September 1, 2021. He was 92.
• Geelani died surrounded by family members at his home in Srinagar, an aide and his relative said.
• Shortly after the news broke, scores of people converged at his home in Hyderpora neighborhood in Srinagar to mourn his death.
• Geelani remained under rolling house arrest much of the time since 2008.

2. PM launches Ehsaas Education Stipends programme

• Prime Minister Imran Khan on September 1, 2021 said the government was committed to sending all children to schools by giving incentives to them.
• `Over 20 million children in the country are out of schools. Efforts are under way to ensure their inclusion in the educational mainstream,` the prime minister said while launching the Ehsaas Education Stipends programme.
• The programme is aimed at providing financial assistance to deserving households for the education of their children at primary, secondary and higher secondary levels.

3. First CPEC power transmission project gets under way

• The first China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project in the power evacuation and transmission sector, the 660kV High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Matiari Lahore transmission line, started commercial operations on September 1, 2021 on its scheduled date.
• On the first day, the project saved the country from a major breakdown by protecting the transmission, dispatch and distribution systems from a possible cascading effect due to tripping at Jamshoro.
• `It is a matter of great importance that the country finally succeeded in having the first and the biggest HVDC transmission line to evacuate 4,000 megawatts from power plants in the south in direct current (DC) mode, transport and transmit it to Lahore after converting it into alternate current (AC) mode and finally feed it to the distribution systems in the load centres in Punjab,` National Transmission and Despatch Company Managing Director Azaz Ahmad explained to Dawn.

4. People under 18 to get Pfizer jabs: NCOC

• On a day when the government initiated vaccination of youngsters aged between 17 and 18 years, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) issued revised guidelines according to which only Pfizer vaccine will be administered to all those under 18.
• The revised guidelines for vaccination of age groups below 18 years, according to an NCOC announcement, are effective from Wednesday.
• Also, number of Covid vaccine doses administered in a day crossed the one and a half million mark as new vaccination targets had been set for 24 large cities, announced federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umer while sharing details of the progress

5. Taliban parade shows off seized US hardware

• A Black Hawk helicopter flew circles over the Taliban`s spiritual heartland in southern Afghanistan on September 1, 2021 while fighters below stood aboard captured Humvees as the Islamist group paraded US military hardware.
• The Taliban`s victory lap, celebrating the final withdrawal of US troops, followed the group`s astonishing two week takeover that capped a simmering 20-year insurgency.
• Also on Wednesday, thousands of people trying to flee Afghanistan rushed to its borders as an administrative vacuum left foreign donor sunsure of how to respond to a looming humanitarian crisis

6. China opens new route to Indian Ocean via Myanmar

• China`s special envoy for Asian Affairs Sun Guoxiang visited Myanmar last week for talks with its military rulers, as a new route spanning the Southeast Asian nation opened up connecting Chinese trade flows to the Indian Ocean.
• As opposed to most Western countries that have condemned the Myanmar army for ousting the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, China has taken a softer line and said its priorities are stability and not interfering in its neighbour.
• During his Aug 21 to Aug 28 visit, Sun met military ruler Min Aung Hlaing as well as foreign minister Wunna Maung Lwin and Minister for the Union Government Office Yar Pyae and `exchanged views with them on the political landscape in Myanmar` China`s foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said.

7. Pollution to reduce life expectancy of 480m Indians by 9 years: study

• Air pollution is likely to reduce the life expectancy of about 40 per cent of Indians by more than nine years, according to a report released by a US research group on September 1, 2021.
• More than 480 million people living in the vast swathes of central, eastern and northern India, including the capital, New Delhi, endure significantly high pollution levels, said the report prepared by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC).
• `Alarmingly, India`s high levels of air pollution have expanded geographically over time,` the EPIC report said

8. Truce comes into force in southern Syria

• A Russian-brokered ceasefire came into force on Wednesday in Daraa province, the cradle of Syria`s uprising where government forces have been battling holdout rebels, a war monitor and state media said.
• The southern province of Daraa, held for years by opposition forces, was returned to government control in 2018 under a previous Moscow-backed ceasefire that had allowed rebels to stay in some areas.
• But since late July armed groups have exchanged artillery fire with government forces and the regime has imposed a crippling siege on Daraa city`s southern district of Daraa al-Balad.

9. UN softens up to Taliban, but keeps them on sanctions list

• The UN Security Council has quietly omitted the word `Taliban` from its statements naming the groups that are required not to support terrorists operating from Afghanistan.
• On Aug 16, the Security Council issued a statement, `reaffirming the importance of combating terrorism in Afghanistan` and of ensuring that the Afghan territory `is not used to threaten or attack any country.
• The statement also said that `neither the Taliban nor any other Afghan group or individual should support terrorists operating on the territory of any other country

10. Taliban approve Afghanistan`s first Test in Australia

• The Taliban have approved Afghanistan`s first cricket Test since their takeover, raising hopes that international matches will continue as usual under the new rule of the Islamists.
• `We have got approval to send the team to Australia,` chief executive of the Afghanistan Cricket Board Hamid Shinwari.
• During their first stint in power, before they were ousted in 2001, the Taliban banned most forms of entertainment including many sports and stadiums were used as public execution venues

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    CSS Times

    Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
    Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
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