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August 2021

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (August 08, 2021) for CSS, PMS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (August 08, 2021) for CSS, PMS
Written by Shahzad F. Malik

August 08, 2021: National / International Current Affairs

1. UNSC move on Afghan debate irks Pakistan

• Pakistan on August 7, 2021 regretted not being allowed to take part in the United Nations Security Council discussion on Afghanistan, while its detractors were given an opportunity to peddle allegations against it.
• `It is a matter of deep regret that, as the closest neighbour of Afghanistan, whose contribution in the ongoing peace process has been recognised by the international community, Pakistan`s request to the President of the Security Council to address the Council`s session and present its perspective on the Afghan peace process and the way forward was not acceded to,` the Foreign Office said in a statement on the Security Council`s emergency meeting on Afghanistan on Friday.
• `On the other hand, the Council`s platform was made available to enable the peddling of a false narrative against Pakistan,` it added

2. Airlines told to set up PCR testing counters

• As hundreds of passengers were denied boarding passes to travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for failing to present rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results, the national health services ministry requested airlines to set up their testing counters at airports.
• Moreover, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been urged to take up the matter with the UAE government so that people could travel without f acing any hassle.
• On the other hand, during a joint session of the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) in Karachi, it was decided that the lockdown imposed by the Sindh government would be lifted from Aug 9 and stringent non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs)issued by the forum for 13 cities with high virus prevalence, including Karachi and Hyderabad, would be enforced

3. OIC team visits LoC to observe situation

• A 12-member delegation of the Organisation of Islamic Conference`s (OIC) Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) visited the Line of Control (LoC) on August 7, 2021 for firsthand account of the situation along the heavily militarised dividing line in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.
• The delegation was flown to Chirikot sector in Poonch division of Azad Jammu and Kashmir where a senior military commander gave a comprehensive briefing to its members on the prevailing security environment along the LoC, official sources said.
• The delegation was also apprised of the arrangements made for protection of civilians from hostile fire through construction of community bunkers, sources added

4. US eases travel restrictions for Pakistan

• The US State Department has revised its travel advisory for Pakistan, upgrading it from `no travel` to `avoid unnecessary travels`.
• The revision from level four to level three although not a major change, is still a notable improvement.
• `Pakistan`s security environment has improved since 2014 when Pakistani security forces undertook concerted counter terrorist and counter militant operations,` the latest travel advisory noted

5. Taliban seize another provincial capital in Afghanistan

• The Taliban seized the stronghold of a notorious Afghan warlord on August 7, 2021, officials said, the second provincial capital to fall to the insurgents in under 24 hours.
• The deputy governor of Jawzjan province said he was with government forces who had abandoned Sheberghan city and retreated to the airport on its outskirts, where they were preparing to defend themselves.
• The city is home to warlord Abdul Rashid Dostum, who only returned to Afghanistan this week from medical treatment in Turkey, but is currently in Kabul.

6. US announces five additions to global terrorist list

• The State Department on August 7, 2021 announced the addition of five alleged Islamist militants to its Specially Designated Global Terrorist list, requiring the blocking of any ownership or interests in US properties they hold.
• The designations also expose to possible US sanctions individuals or foreign financial institutions who engage in certain transactions with the five.
• They include Bonomade Machude Omar, the senior military commander of Islamic State`s affiliate in Mozambique, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement

7. Ancient pharaonic boat taken to Egypt`s grand new museum

• Egypt has transported the Pharaoh Khufu`s intact solar boat dating back some 4,600 years to the country`s soon to be unveiled grand museum, the antiquities ministry said on August 7, 2021.
• Solar boats were buried in pits next to royal burial chambers in the belief that they would transport the departed into the afterlife.
• Cairo`s Great Pyramid also known as the Pyramid of Cheops is the largest of the three Giza pyramids and houses Khufu`s tomb.
• `After… crossing the streets of Giza on a smart vehicle, the first boat of King Khufu discovered in 1954 at the southern corner of the Great Pyramid has terminated its long journey to the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM),` a ministry statement said

8. Mars rover fails to collect rock in search of alien life

• Nasa`s Perseverance drilled into the surface of Mars but failed in its initial attempt to collect rock samples that would be picked up by future missions for analysis by scientists on Earth.
• The US space agency published images on August 7, 2021 of a small mound with a hole in its center next to the rover the first ever dug into the Red Planet by a robot.
• But data sent to Earth by the rover after its first attempt to collect a sample and seal it in a tube indicated no rock had been gathered.

9. Arshad loses Olympic medal, but wins hearts

• There was a lot of pressure on Arshad Nadeem. Heaps of it. There was also the weight of history.
• There were hope and expectation in equal measure as Arshad stepped into the Olympic Stadium on August 7, 2021, the 24-year-old javelin thrower having become the first athlete from Pakistan to qualify for the Olympics and the first to reach a track-and-field final.
• Now, it was time for him to become the first to win a medal for Pakistan in any sporting discipline since 1992. The first target for Arshad was to stay in the top eight among 12 competitors after the first three attempts

10. American gold bonanza as India strike first jackpot in athletics

• The second to last day of competition at the Tokyo Olympics produced a gold medal bonanza for the United States.
• The Americans kept up their domination in men`s basketball and women`s water polo with gold medal victories in both on Saturday, and Allyson Felix won her 11th career medal with a gold one as part of the US women`s winning 4x400m-relay team.
• And the American men finally delivered a sprint gold medal in the 4x400relay, the final track race of the Tokyo Games

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About the author

Shahzad F. Malik

Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website.
As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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