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March 2023

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (March 09 2023) for CSS

6. Undersea graveyard for CO2 opens in Denmark

• Denmark onWednesdayinaugurated a project to store carbon dioxide 1,800 metres beneath the North Sea, becoming the first country in the world to bury CO2 imported from abroad.
• `Today we opened a new chapter for the North Sea, a green chapter,` Denmark`s Crown Prince Frederik said at the inauguration ceremony in the town of Esbjerg in the west of Denmark.
• The CO2 graveyard, where the carbon is injected to prevent further warming of the atmosphere, is on the site of an old oil field. Led by British chemical giant Ineos and German oil company Wintershall Dea, the `Greensand` project is expected to store up to eight million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2030

7. Afghan women are world`s most repressed: UN mission

• Afghanistan under the Taliban government is the `most repressive country in the world` for women`s rights, with authorities effectively trapping women and girls in their homes, the United Nations said on Wednesday.
• About 20 women held a rare demonstration in a KabulstreetonWednesday, callingontheinternational community to protect Afghans.
• The Taliban government has imposed a slew of restrictions on girls andwomen since seizing power in Aug 2021

8. Russia claims capturing eastern Bakhmut; Nato sees fall in days

• The head of Russia`s Wagner mercenary group said on Wednesday his forces had taken full control of the eastern part of the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, scene of one of the bloodiest battles of the year-long war.
• If the claim is true, it would mean Russian forces control nearly half the city in their push to secure their first big victory in several months.
• Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin said his fighters, who have been spearheading the Russian campaign to seize Bakhmut, had now captured the city`s east

9. Chinese students turn to AI for homework

• Chinese schoolchildren are turning to artificial intelligence bot ChatGPT to slash their homework time, vaulting the country`s `Great Firewall` to write book reports and hone up on their language skills.
• With its ability to produce A-grade essays, poems and programming code within seconds, ChatGPT has sparked a global gold rush in artificial intelligence tech.
• But it has also prompted concern from teachers, worried over the possibilities for cheating and plagiarism.

10. UK defends asylum plan after Nazi comparison

• The British government hit back on Wednesday at critics including the United Nations and football presenter Gary Lineker, after he compared its new plan on illegal immigration to the rhetoric of Nazi-era Germany.
• The Conservative government intends to outlaw asylum claims by allillegalarrivals and transfer them elsewhere, such as Rwanda, in a bid to stop thousands of migrants from crossing the Channel on small boats.
• Stopping the boats is the `people`s priority`, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told the House of Commons, vowing also to `break the criminal gangs` profiting from the journeys. But rights groups and the United Nations said the legislation would make Britain itself an international outlaw under European and UN conventions on asylum

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (March 09 2023) for CSS

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    CSS Times

    Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others.
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