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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (March 11 2023) for CSS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (March 11 2023) for CSS

March 11, 2022: National Current Affairs MCQs

1. Senate body okays bill to remove word `Fata` from Elections Act

• The Senate Standing Committee on Parliamentary Affairs has approved an amendment to the Elections Act, 2017 removing the word `Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata)`from the law, according to a handout from Senate.
• The amendment was necessitated after the 25th constitutional amendment which merged the erstwhile Fata with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
• The handout said the proposed amendment was approved by the Senate Secretariat after the committee`s meeting headed by PPP`s Taj Haider.
• The committee was informed that the amendment was necessary after the merger of tribal districts with KP and it was supported by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and the federal government

2. Govt to change NAB law for returned cases

• The government has planned to amend the National Accountability Ordinance the law that governs the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to empower accountability courts to decide the fate of over 200 undecided, dormant references.
• Federal Minister for Law and Justice Azam Nazeer Tarar at a press conference on March 10, 2023 disclosed that the government had proposed amendments to sections 4 and 5 of the ordinance to empower accountability courts to determine the fate and forum for those references whose jurisdiction have been ousted from the ambit of NAB through a previous amendment to the accountability laws.
• While the Supreme Court has yet to decide the fate of the amendment made to the ordinance last year, the law minister said the government was all set to promulgate an ordinance to cover certain deficiencies in the last year`s amendments

3. First national policy formulated to tackle air pollution

• Pakistan`s efforts to tackle air pollution have taken a significant step forward as the country`s first National Clean Air Policy (NCAP) was approved this week by the federal government, aiming to improve air quality in the country by reducing pollution.
• The policy aims to provide a comprehensive framework for improving air quality in Pakistan, with particular focus on implementing national-scale actions that would lead to measurable improvements.
• With the NCAP in place, the government and its partners are poised to make significant progress in the fight against air pollution in Pakistan, with major objectives being reducing annual deaths and trans-boundary pollution, improving the health of Pakistani citizens, with a positive impact on the country`s economic activity

4. Govt plans fresh Rs3.23 surcharge for FY24

• The unprecedented hike in electricity tariffs continued its upward journey to burden hapless consumers before the Staff-Level Agreement (SLA) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for an economic bailout could see the light of the day.
• Three days after imposing a Rs3.82 per unit surcharge for March-June of 2022-23, the government on Friday filed a fresh request with the power regulator for the continuation of up to Rs3.23 per unit surcharge for next fiscal year (2023-24) as the regulator issued a series of notifications to charge higher fuel costs from consumers for consumption in January and recovery of up to Rs14.24 per unit fuel costs outstanding since August last year.
• Subsidised power tariff Simultaneously, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) also issued two separate notifications for the withdrawal of a special fixed tariff of Rs19.99 per unit for all export industries and for discontinuation of special relief of Rs3.60/unit provided to the private agriculture consumers in their current base rate of Rs16.60/unit. Both these facilities for exporters and farmers now stand finished with effect from March 1.

5. Xi secures third term as president

• Xi secured a precedent breaking third term as president of China on Friday during a parliamentary session in which he tightened his control of the world`s second-largest economy as it emerges from a Covid slump and diplomatic challenges mount.
• Nearly 3,000 members of China`s parliament, the National People`s Congress (NPC), voted unanimously in the Great Hall of the People for the 69-year-old in an election after Xi locked in another five years as head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in October.
• Since then, Xi has weathered widespread protests over his zero-Covid policy and the deaths of countless people after its abandonment. But those issues have been avoided at this week`s NPC, a carefully choreographed event that is also set to appoint Xi ally Li Qiang as the new premier

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6. S. Arabia-Iran patch-up takes world by surprise

• Regional powerhouses Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on March 10, 2023 to restore ties and reopen diplomatic missions in a surprise, Chinese-brokered announcement that could have wide-ranging implications across the Middle East.
• In a trilateral statement, Tehran and Riyadh said they would reopen embassies and missions within two months and implement security and economic cooperation deals signed more than 20 years ago.
• Friday`s announcement, which follows five days of previously unannounced talks in Beijing and several rounds of dialogue in Iraq and Oman, caps a broader realignment and efforts to ease tensions in the region

7. World hails `epochal` Tehran-Riyadh deal

• THE China-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran to normalise diplomatic relations has been widely hailed, with global leaders and international media calling it a positive development.
• While talking to reporters, US President Joe Biden on March 10, 2023 said, `Better relations between Israel and their Arab neighbours are better for everybody.
• White House Spokesperson John Kirby the US was kept `in the loop` by the Saudi official.
• `The Saudis did keep us informed about these talks that they were having, just as we keep them informed on our engagements, but we weren`t directly involved,` he said.

8. India, Australia to upgrade defence ties

• India and Australia have agreed to boost their defence ties and accelerate a broader economic partnership, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said in New Delhi on Friday.
• Last year the two countries signed a free trade deal, called the Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA), the first signed by India with a developed country in a decade.
• However, a much larger Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) has been stuck in negotiations for over a decade. Discussions between the countries restarted in 2011, but were suspended in 2016 as the talks were gridlocked

9. Saudis seek N-plan, defence guarantees in return for ties with Israel, says NYT

• The Saudi Crown Prince is seeking defence guarantees and wants to develop the civilian nuclear programme from the Biden administration, in exchange for normalising relationship with Israel, The New York Times reported.
• According to the report, the deal could see a major political breakthrough in the Arabian peninsula. Also, it would meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu`s most precious desire to increase this country`s security against Iran.
• Last year, while giving an interview to Al Arabiya, Netanyahu urged that a peace agreement between Riyadh and the Jewish state would lead to a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.The Saudi ambassador in Washington, Princess Reema Bint Bandar Al Saud, has played a significant role. Also, the talks are being led by Brett McGurk and Amos Hochstein from the US National Security Council, the report said.

10. Tairanwala wins Rustam-i-Punjab Dangal

• Adnan Tairanwala Pehlwan defeated Shahid Pochar Pehlwan to win the Jashan-i-Baharan Rustam-i-Punjab Dangal after a tough fight at Punjab Stadium on March 10, 2023.
• Participants competed for 30 bouts in the presence of thousands of passionate fans.
• Top national wrestlers demonstrated their desi kushti skills. In other main fights, Malu Pehlwan defeated Razzaq Pehlwan, M Yar Pehlwan defeated Aftab Pehlwan while the fights of Ali and Sultan Pehlwan, Sajawal Goonga and Gullu Pehlwan and Heera and Ahmed Pehlwan finished without an outright winner

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