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Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (June 09 2023) for CSS

Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (June 09 2023) for CSS

June 09, 2023: National Current Affairs MCQs


• Pakistan has to satisfy the International Monetary Fund on three counts, starting with a budget due on Friday (today), before its board reviews whether to release at least some of the $2.5 billion still pending under a lending programme expiring this month, an IMF official said.
• Esther Perez Ruiz, the IMF`s resident representative for Pakistan, said on Thursday there was only time for one last IMF board review before the end of the $6.5bn Extended Fund Facility (EFF) at the end of June.
• Pakistan has barely enough currency reserves to cover one month`s imports. It had hoped to have $1.1bn of the funds released in November, but the IMF has insisted on a number of conditions being met before it makes any more disbursements

2. Report card of a tempestuous year

• Finding himself on the back foot as he attempted to defend a jarring slowdown in economic growth in the outgoing fiscal year, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, while unveiling the Pakistan Economic Survey 2022-23 on June 8, 2023, spoke less about the dismal performance of various sectors of the national economy and more on the global environment and economic fundamentals the PDM government had inherited when it came to power in April last year.
• Accompanied by Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal and Minister of State for Finance and Revenue Dr Aisha Ghous Pasha, the finance minister unveiled that the country`s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the fiscal year 2023 projected to grow at 5 per cent only managed 0.3pc growth, with agriculture and services scraping along with 1.5pc and 0.86pc growth and the industrial sector contracting by a worrying 3pc

3. Pakistan wins seat on UN economic body

• Pakistan was, on June 8, 2023, elected to the Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc), the economic arm of the United Nations, for a three-year term, beginning Jan 1, 2024, with Ambassador Munir Akram saying the success was a recognition of `our positive role in international diplomacy`.
• Pakistan received 129 votes in the 193-member General Assembly.
• Pakistan was contesting one of three Asian seats also being contested by Iraq, Japan, Nepal and Tajikistan. A two-thirds majority 124 votes was required for election

4. PPP nominee wins AJK by-election

• The PPP defeated its partner in the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) coalition government, PML-N, by a margin of 5,270 votes in a by-election on June 8, 2023.
• According to unofficial and unverified results issued by the returning officer, PPP`s Sardar Zia Qamar bagged 25,755 votes against 20,485 by Mushtaq Ahmed Minhas of the PML-N.
• Retired colonel Raja Zameer of the PTI could secure 4,942 votes.
• The by-election in LA-15, Bagh-II, with 101,146 registered voters, 48,038 of them women, had become due after the disqualification of former prime minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas by the AJK high court on April 11

5. Deadly shelling pounds Ukraine`s flooded region after Zelensky visit

• Ukraine and Russia accused each other of deadly shelling in the flood-hit Kherson region on June 8, 2023 even as rescuers raced to save people stranded after the destruction of a Russian-held dam unleashed a torrent of water.
• Shortly after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the southern city of Kherson, Kyiv said a Russian strike there injured eight people.
• Moscow-installed authorities, who hold the hold the other bank of the now flood-swollen Dnipro River, said two evacuees were killed by Ukrainian shelling

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6. Scientists document how space travel messes with human brain

• Space can be an unfriendly place for the human body, with microgravity conditions and other factors tampering with our physiology, from head to toe head, of course, being a primary concern.
• A new Nasa-funded study provides a deeper understanding of the issue. Researchers said on Thursday that astronauts who travelled on the International Space Station (ISS) or Nasa space shuttles on missions lasting at least six months experienced significant expansion of the cerebral ventricles spaces in the middle of the brain containing cerebrospinal fluid.
• This colourless and watery fluid flows in and around the brain and spinal cord. It cushions the brain to help protect against sudden impact and removes waste products

7. 35 hurt in clashes as Israeli army raids Ramallah

• Israeli forces raided the city of Ramallah in the West Bank early on June 8, 2023 in what the military said was an operation to demolish the house of a Palestinian accused of a Jerusalem double-bombing last year.
• The Palestinian health ministry said at least 35 people were wounded, including at least 20 by live bullets. Two people suffered serious abdominal wounds while a third was hit by a rubber bullet which penetrated his skull.
• A journalist said a large military convoy arrived in downtown Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian government in the occupied West Bank, leading hundreds of Palestinians to gather in the area

8. US, UK forge `Atlantic Declaration` to counter new threats

• The United States and Britain on June 8, 2023 announced a new strategic pact as their leaders rededicated the `special relationship` to counter Russia, China and economic instability.
• In a White House summit, US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak discussed Russia`s invasion of Ukraine and the lightning-fast evolution of artificial intelligence.
• But Sunak came away emptyhanded on Britain`s ambitions for a post-Brexit free-trade agreement with Washington, settling instead to tack along with Biden`s plan to craft a new green economy through vast industrial subsidies

9. China showcases future of high-tech policing

• AI tech that spots “undesirable” behaviour and long-distance facial recognition software were on show on June 8, 2023 at a Beijing expo attended by hundreds of companies — many blacklisted by the United States for their alleged role in repression in China and abroad.
• The three-day Security China event bills itself as a showcase of the future of high-tech policing and is backed by Beijing’s commerce ministry and law enforcement bodies.
• On Thursday the venue was packed with employees from across China’s security industry and prospective clients, including some foreign customers, as well as curious members of the public

10. Blast at funeral of slain Afghan governor kills 11

• At least 11 people were killed in a blast on June 8, 2023 at a funeral service for an Afghan acting provincial governor whose assassination this week was claimed by the militant Islamic State group, the interior ministry said.
• Security has improved dramatically since the Taliban stormed back to power in August 2021, ousting the US-backed government and ending their two-decade insurgency, but the Islamic State group remains a threat.
• An interior ministry statement said more than 30 people were also injured in the blast at the funeral of the acting governor of northeastern Badakhshan province, Nisar Ahmad Ahmadi

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